  • 學位論文


A study of the Relationships among Perceived Risk, Trust and Purchasing Intention in On-line Shopping

指導教授 : 謝龍發


知覺風險是消費者在制定決策時,所知覺到對結果的可能損失,也是一種對於多種選擇的不確定性所產生的感受。在網路購物上,由於消費者常覺得無法有效地掌控網路交易中的產品品質與交易的安全性,會感受到較高的知覺風險。本研究認為網路商家若能與網路消費者持續維持網路上良好的買賣關係,使消費者認為其自身是處在一個可信任的關係中,應可降低消費者之知覺風險,達到提升消費者購買意願之目的。因此,本研究將探討目前網路商店虛實整合的營運模式下,消費者之信任與知覺風險對消費者購買意願之影響。研究的重點在於探討消費者之知覺風險對其信任與消費者購買意願間之關聯是否具有中介效果? 本研究採用問卷調查的方式,以去過有提供實體商店之網路商店的消費者為研究對象,共發放250份問卷,有效回收問卷為172份,回收率為68.8%。本研究之問卷資料以結構方程模型(SEM)來檢驗「信任」、「知覺風險」與「消費者購買意願」之關係。   分析結果顯示出: 1、經由驗證性因素分析(CFA),「信任」與「知覺風險」較適合採用二階因素模式(secondary factor);且「信任」、「知覺風險」與「消費者購買意願」之CFA分析均顯示這三個研究變項的測量模式表現良好,適於作進一步的結構方程模式分析。 2、由結構方程模式分析的結果顯示 a)信任對知覺風險具有負相關;b)知覺風險對消費者購買意願具有負相關;c)信任對消費者購買意願無顯著關係;由此結果可認定「知覺風險」在「信任」與「消費者購買意願」間具有完全中介的影響效果。   最後,本研究的研究結果,可作為日後研究人員之參考。


Perceived risk is a consumer’s perception of a possible loss incurred from a trade s/he will make under some kinds of uncertainties. In online shopping, because of the difficulty of controlling the quality of the product and the safety of that transaction, consumers usually perceive a higher level of perceived risk comparing to an ordinary shopping activity. If an online seller can maintain a nice seller-buyer relationship with its customers in order to foster their trust, it will mitigate the customers’ perceive risk and promote their purchasing intention. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand the influences of consumers’ “trust” and “perceived risk” on their “purchasing intention” in nowadays operating model of integrating virtual and physical store in many online shops. The study focuses on whether consumers’ “perceived risk” enacts a mediating role between “trust” and “purchasing intention”. A questionnaire survey was conducted to test the study’s hypotheses. The survey’s subjects are consumers of online shops that provide physical showrooms for shoppers to reviewing their goods. Copies of the questionnaire were provided to 250 eligible consumers and 172 effective questionnaires were received. This results in an effective response rate of 68.8%. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the survey data and estimate the coefficients between “trust”, “perceived risk” and “purchasing intention”.  The study finds: 1. The results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) for the research variables indicate that “trust” and “perceived risk” are better treated as secondary factors, and all the measure models of the three research variables (i.e. “trust”, “perceived risk” and “purchasing intention”) have good fitness with the survey data. 2. The results of SEM for the research model indicate that: a) “trust” has a negative impact on “perceived risk”; b) “perceived risk” has a negative impact on “purchasing intention”; and c) “trust” has no impacts on “purchasing intention”. Sum up these results we can conclude that “perceived risk” enacts a mediating role between “trust” and “purchasing intention”. Finally, the study also provides some suggestions for references of managerial practice.


Trust Purchasing intention Perceived risk


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