  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Stock Return And the Formulation Process of the Second Generation National Health Insurance

指導教授 : 高儷華


面對健保局年年虧損、財務警報下,一代健保因保費跟不上醫療支出,經費預估只能撐到民國101年,為穩固健保財源使健保永續經營,以確保國人健保就醫權,立法院審議通過的二代健保法,該法案於民國100年1月4日經立法院三讀通過。二代健保中擴大費基的補充保費收取,對以營業項目中利息逾五千即就源扣取之交易成本與避稅影響,或獎金佔薪資比例高的產業如金融保險業、電子業等影響較高。因此本研究以事件研究法,按照立法程序探討「二代健保」制定過程,對金融類股與電子類股價報股酬之影響。   實證結果發現,金融類股、電子類股之企業,在二代健保制及審議的過程中,相較於其他類股之企業,有顯著負向的累計異常報酬,即該類股的股價受二代健保制訂及審議的影響較大。二代健保的實施的確會影響投資人對金融類股、電子類股的投資意願。


Since The First Generation National Health Insurance faced the financial alarm and the deficit every year, The Legislative Yuan set up The Second Generation National Health Insurance in January 4th 2011 to keep the national health insurance operate permanently and citizens’ medical rights. Otherwise, The First Generation National Health Insurance may collapse after 2012. The Second Generation National Health Insurance expands the premium calculation base to supply premium’s receiving. It causes the business items that have the interest much than five thousand dollars have to debit from the origin and it affects the transaction costs and tax avoidance. The industries which have the high percent of bonus in their salaries like financial and insurance and electronic industry also face the serious effect. Therefore, the research will use Event Study and the legislative procedure to discuss the effect of The Second Generation National Health Insurance’s setting process to financial stock and economic stock’s stock return.   The consequence of the research presents that during the procedure of setting The Second Generation National Health Insurance, financial and economic industries have the more apparently negative cumulative reward than other industries. It represents this kind of stock affected from the setting of The Second Generation National Health Insurance more serious. The performance of this law will indeed affect the investors to invest the financial and economic industries.


黃耀輝、薛立敏,1998,全民健保對企業投資與雇用影響之研究,經濟研究, 35卷1期: 1-28。
