  • 學位論文


Aesthetics Lifestyle and the Preference of Color Combinations

指導教授 : 陳瑾儀


摘要   消費者的購買行為已逐漸由量的消費轉變成感性的消費,大眾化設計的商品已經難以滿足消費者的需求,消費者購買商品除了實際用途之外,還希望能展現自我的美感與品味。在這表達自我意識的時代,對於「美」的定義會隨著個人的特質而有不同的詮釋,一個人的美感特質將會影響對產品的偏好,而商品的配色是重要的影響因素之一。而近年來,廠商紛紛推出共同設計之商品,使消費者能參與商品的設計,在模組化的型式下設計個人化的商品,最常使用的就是改變商品的配色與材質,這類服務更能滿足顧客多樣化的需求。因此,本研究主要在探討消費者美感生活型態與產品自主配色偏好的關係。   本研究先利用美感生活型態量表調查消費者的美感偏好,將回收的問卷進行因素分析,結果得出八個美感構面,分別為「流行時尚」、「物質生活」、「藝術創作」、「浪漫情趣」、「設計品味」、「整齊條理」、「華麗奪目」、「簡約樸實」。並進一步利用集群分析將受調者分為五個族群,分別為「悠活創造家」、「設計追求者」、「美感被動者」、「簡約普普風族」、「流行意識家」。為了進一步瞭解受調者對於商品色彩的偏好,本研究設計一套以PCCS色彩體系所發表的色相與色調為選色原則之商品配色系統,挑選50種顏色當作配色選擇,以瞭解受調者的配色選擇。接著針對全體與美感族群對於自主配色商品的配色偏好、購買意願與願付價格進行分析,並探討在不同資訊情況下,消費者的願付價格是否會受影響,研究得到以下結論:第一,同類商品單色、雙色與三色配色之間的具相關性,不同商品之間則較無相關。第二,商品類型與配色數量會影響顏色的選擇,商品區塊配色會偏向突顯商標區塊,而其他區塊則差異較小。第三,消費者對於單色選擇的色相偏好為藍色和紅色,色調偏好為鮮色調。第四,設計追求者對於自主配色商品購買意願最高,美感被動者最低。第五,美感生活型態族群在自主配色商品的願付價格有部分差異,但是資訊對於願付價格並無顯著影響,表示自主配色商品在消費者心中有既定的價值,不容易受價格資訊所影響。


Abstract The consumer purchasing behavior has gradually turning quantity into emotional consumption. Therefore, the products of popular design were unable to meet the demands of consumers. Their purchase intentions are not only for practical application, also expect to show the beauty and taste of themselves. In the new era of ego consciousness, the definition of beauty is varies from person to person. Thus, persons’ aesthetic qualities will directly affect to the product preference. In this way, the color combination was found to be a very influential factor. Recently, a lot of firms are putting on the co-design products to draw everyone into the product design activities. For that reasons firms design personal products in the modular form which included changing its color and material to fulfill consumers diversified needs. As a result, the study focuses on exploring the relation between Aesthetics Lifestyle and Color combination. The scale of aesthetics lifestyle was adopted in this study to investigate the consumers’ aesthetics preferences. Based on the result of factor analysis of the questionnaires, eight aesthetics dimensions were generated which were including fashion, material life, artistic creativity, romantic, tasteful in design, neat, elegant, and simple. Furthermore, the study applied these eight dimensions to divided the samples in to five aesthetic groups which included comfortable creator, design pursuer, aesthetic taker, contracted pop artists, and fashion explainer. The study designs the color combination system on the basis of PCCS to find out the respondents' color preference by asking respondents to peeking 50 types of colors to be their own color combination choices. Then, we analyzed the color preferences of the autonomous color matching products, purchase intention, and willingness-to-pay to investigate all of the aesthetics groups under the different situation whether to influence the consumers’ willingness-to-pay or not. The research results show that: First, there are the correlations between monochrome, double-color, and triple – colored in the same product. On the other hand, there is no correlation between the different products. Second, different products and number of colors will influence the choice of colors. Besides, the color preferences of the blocks of the product tend to highlight the trademark, while other blocks are only slightly different. Third, about the choice of monochrome, most of consumers will choose blue, red and the color preference tend to be a bright color. Fourth for the color preference of autonomous color matching product, design pursuers have the highest willingness-to-pay and aesthetics taker have the lowest. Finally, as for the groups of aesthetics lifestyle there is no difference in the autonomous color matching products of willingness-to-pay. Moreover, when it comes to the price information there is no significant effect on the willingness-to-pay which shows that the consumers have given value on their own.




