  • 學位論文


Modeling Biodiesel Production Using Two-Stage Operations and Its Design

指導教授 : 陳榮輝


摘要 全球工業化的過度發展,能源消耗日益增大,而目前能源供給主要來源的石油、煤及天然氣產量正逐漸跟不上消耗的腳步,這些能源在使用過程中易造成溫室效應,因此找尋環保的替代能源已成為全球的共識。生質柴油因具有再生性及良好環保特性成為熱門的替代能源之一。 本研究旨在解決轉酯化過程中後處理蒸餾耗能的問題,因為轉酯化反應在過去通常是利用CSTR反應器大量生產,因此首先建立在CSTR下的一個同時具備反應動力學與相平衡關係的模式,並了解整個轉酯化過程。接著對近年來在轉酯化過程中熱門的膜反應器提出一個膜管模式,利用膜反應器同時進行反應與分離物質,使經過膜反應器的產物純度提升,這樣可降低後處理蒸餾耗能。此外,對膜管反應器模式微觀面也進行分析,並將CSTR與膜反應器的優點加以整合與設計,改進MEOH用量,以降低原料成本及蒸餾耗能等問題。


Abstract Due to the global industrialization was development of excessive, energy cost was increasing, and the main source of energy supply of oil, coal and natural gas production is consumed gradually catch up with the pace, These energy sources could easily lead to the greenhouse effect in the course, so looking for environmentally friendly alternative energy was become a global consensus. Biodiesel has a regenerative and due to good environmental characteristics become a popular alternative energy sources. This study was designed to address the post-processing process of transesterification distilled energy problem because the transesterification is usually utilized in the last CSTR Reactor mass production, so the first established in a CSTR along with reaction kinetics and equilibrium relationship model and understand the whole process of transesterification. Then turn on the esterification process in recent years in the popular film made a membrane reactor model, the use of membrane reactor simultaneous reaction and separation material, so that through the membrane reactor to enhance the purity of the product, which can reduce energy consumption by distillation after treatment . Additionally, the membrane microstructure reactor model surface is also analyzed and the membrane reactor CSTR to integrate the advantages of the design, the amount of improvement MEOH to reduce material costs and energy consumption issues such as distillation, the final example of the actual plant output energy consumption and cost comparisons made in this study to verify the feasibility of the design and integration and effectiveness.


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