  • 學位論文


Taguchi Method on the Light Guide Plate Molding

指導教授 : 楊康宏


液晶顯示器的應用面非常廣泛,也逐漸往新領域、新應用面發展,以汽車來說,液晶面板也逐漸成為汽車的零組件之一,做為儀表板或導航之用途,汽車用的液晶顯示器由於需在戶外使用,並須承受汽車內的高溫,故相關零組件需要更高的規格水準才能達到車用液晶顯示器的要求,導光板若承受高溫易有黃化問題,故若能在導光板射出成型時,在不影響其他特性下,降低y值,即能降低黃化的問題。 本研究使用田口方法,找出最佳化的控制因子,研究結果顯示,導光板的厚度對於黃化有決定性的影響,導光板越薄,於射出製程更容易產生黃化,另外在料管待料時間則是越短越好,以實驗控制參數來說,料管待料10mins表現為最佳。


Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) can apply to wide ranges of applications, and it progressively evolves toward new fields and new applications, such as LCD in the automobile industry. LCD has been one of automobile interior components equipped for the dashboard, GPS (Global Positioning System) navigator and so on. The main feature of such LCD needs to sustain high temperature under the daylight. To fulfill the requirements of automobile grade, LCD needs to be improved for automobile usage. Light Guide Plate (LGP) in LCD backlight unit easily turns to yellowing under high temperature during its lifetime, which will impact the performance of the device. Many studies indicated that yellowing can be improved by reducing y value while LGP injection molding without impacting other optical characters. The study aims to find out the optimal control factors with Taguchi Methods to LGP. From the study results, LGP thickness contributes differently on yellowing. In an injection molding process, the thinner LGP thickness is, the easier LGP turns out yellowing. Besides, the shorter time of material in feed pipe is better than longer time is. Based on the experiment results of control factors, 10-minute material in feed pipe time is the optimal.


Yellowing Light Guide Plate Taguchi Methods


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