  • 學位論文


A Study of Optimal Scheduling for the Aviation Maintenance Staff – Line Maintenance Staffs of D Airlines at Taoyuan International Airport as an Example

指導教授 : 林賜德


航空業一百多年來的蓬勃發展,使得飛機成為當今世界上普遍的交通工具之一,而台灣隸屬海島地區,飛機更是不可缺少而重要的交通工具。 飛機修護為飛行安全中重要的一環,而航線修護的人員排班模式,除了人力成本的考量外,安全風險的評估也應是重點;人力供應大於工作需求,未達人力有效運用,形成人事成本的耗損;人力供應如小於工作需求,則增加作業的風險,因此,成本與風險的最小化,實為航線修護人員排班系統的重要議題。 本研究以國內D航空公司於桃園機場航線修護部門為例,先以該公司於桃園機場客、貨機航班的到離資訊,加上修護部門運用飛機地停時機的規劃性修護工作,轉換成航線修護單位一日的修護工時(Man-Hour,MH)需求。 以該公司航線修護一般人員為對象,一日上班8小時為基準,運用修護群組(GROUP)的觀念,以一日24小時中,每8小時的工作需求之總和,需求總和大者優先派遣的方法,推演出10種不同型態的排班模式。 依據這10種不同排班模式,分別計算其成本與風險的控管因子,並可分別計算出實際運作所需的航線一般修護的總人數,發展出不同修護組織的架構規劃。 各航空公司修護組織的架構與運作方式不同,對於成本與風險管控的方式與考量也不同,然而對於航線修護單位,一天的修護工時需求量高、低差距高達10倍,其航線修護排班模式更顯得重要,本研究謹以此為案例,建立一套從航班到離資訊,轉換成航線修護需求工時,推展出各式排班的模式,最後,依各排班模式計算出其成本與風險、實際所需航線修護總人數的探討。


Aviation industry has been flourishing for over one hundred years. It makes the airplanes become one of most common transportations in today’s world. Taiwan is an island around by ocean. Airplane is an essential tool for Taiwan to connect with international world. Aircraft Maintenance is an important part of the flight safety. When scheduling the Line Maintenance staff work schedule, not only labor cost but also assessment of the flight safety risk should be taken into account. Providing more manpower than tasks required, it is inefficient in manpower management and waste of labor resource. Providing less manpower than tasks required, it increases the operational risk. Therefore, minimize the labor cost and operational risk is very important to the Line Maintenance staff scheduling system. This research is bases on the Line Maintenance department of the D airlines at Taoyuan Airport. By using the passenger and freighter flight schedule at Taoyuan Airport, then incorporated with the aircraft maintenance programs and airplanes’ ground time to convert into the Line Maintenance daily manpower requirements. Generally, daily duty hour is 8 hour/per day/per person for the staff of D Airlines Line Maintenance Division. By using the maintenance group concept, calculate the sum of the labor demand in every eight hours. Prioritize the manpower dispatch by the largest to least of labor demand. It comes up with 10 different types of shift patterns. Calculate the labor cost and factors of risks according to these 10 different shift patterns. Also calculate the sum of actual manpower required for Line Maintenance in these 10 different shift patterns. It helps to develop different maintenance organization plans. Each airlines maintenance division has different organization structures and operation models. They also have different approaches on labor cost control and risk management. However, within 24 hours, the disparity in Line Maintenance workload demand is so wide. The difference between highest and the lowest could be up to 10 times. An efficient maintenance staff scheduling model is very important to Line Maintenance division. In this research, a method is established: starting from the flight schedule, ground time and maintenance programs, and then converts into required manpower. It creates several different shift patterns. Finally, it calculates the costs, risks and the total required manpower according to these different shift patterns.


13.Douglas Scott Burr., 2009, The Schedule Book-75 Schedules for Any Work Environment, Booksurge Publishing Company.
14.James C. Miller, 2013, Fundamentals of Shiftwork Scheduling, 3rd Edition, Smashwords.
