  • 學位論文


“Female,Water-like” The Creation of Cross-Media Art

指導教授 : 邱永中


近年來科技發展快速,科技的革新使藝術創作上產生極大的變化,不再侷限於單 一的表達方式,新的媒材研發因而帶出嶄新思潮與多元媒材的創作趨勢。 〈女人・水姓〉以自身成長經驗,去探討在各種狀態下女人所產生不同的樣貌並且 藉由東西方文學典故將女人與水串聯作為創作核心,透過跨媒體形式進行創作與表達, 讓觀者可以進一步了解女人,探索自省未知的自己。創作形式主要以科技媒體webcam 判讀頁面之功能結合傳統媒體紙本書之圖文來連結影像,再透過影像投影、混合媒材及 互動表現,針對造形的構成、影像媒介材質等面向切入探討,同時對跨媒體藝術創作及 表現形式加以分析,作為〈女人・水姓〉跨媒體藝術創作之基礎架構。 跨媒體的創作型態,多從藝術家自身生活經驗、文化、群體關係等相關議題上取 材,並在表現上強調互動性,藉由人的參與,與觀者建立多種不同關係,讓觀者與作品 間產生連結與情感,達成共鳴。在科技的層次下,電腦與科技產品的發展,使藝術表現 與創作過程也廣泛使用電腦、行動裝置、科技產品等,傳統的媒體與媒體間重新組合, 以致產生新的品種,是一種結合不同媒材,綜合表達的藝術形式。


In recent years, technology improves rapidly; artistic creation has changed extremely by the innovation of technology, not limited by only one expression anymore. New media innovation brings out latest concept and creative trends of multiple media. ”Female, Water-like” used its growth experience to discuss different faces from women in every circumstance and put women and water together to be the creation core by using the literary allusion from both east and west then expressed and created by cross media form, which let viewers understand more about women and find the unknown self. This creation mainly performs by the method of paperwork combined with webcam connecting the images, and structural formation, and image media are especially focused on with in-depth examinations; meanwhile, analyzing the cross media artistic creation and the way of performance to be the basic model of the cross media artistic creation of ”Female, Water-like”. Most types of the cross media come from artist’s life experience, cultures or intergroup relation subjects and emphasize the interaction in the performance. With the participation of people can establish different relationships with viewers, which make connection and emotion between viewers and artistic works, and also reach a consensus. Under the technology, the development of computer and technology make artistic performance and production process use computer, mobile or other technological products widely. Regrouping traditional media and media produces new variety, which is a combination of different media and also an art form of integrated expression.


1. 陳永賢(民99)。錄像藝術啟示錄,台北市:藝術家出版社。
2. 暮澤剛巳(民100)。當代藝術關鍵詞100,台北市,麥田出版。
3. 林珮淳(民101)。台灣數位e檔案,台北市,藝術家出版。
4. 葉謹睿(民94)。數位藝術概論,台北市,藝術家出版。
