  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship among Perceived Value of Brand, Brand Loyalty and Fans Behavior: Take the Mayday as an Example

指導教授 : 王如鈺


自網路技術日新月異後,樂迷之習慣由購買實體唱片逐漸轉向從網路下載音樂,導致唱片市場逐漸萎靡,歌手這行業已不如過往般獲利可觀,但放眼台灣,唯獨一個樂團非但無受到波及,甚至在2013年11月受邀登上英國國家廣播公司(BBC)之殿堂,他們就是「五月天」。一組成功的搖滾樂團來自於背後支持他的廣大樂迷,五月天不僅在台灣擁有廣大的死忠樂迷,近年隨著聲名遠播海外,樂迷數量呈現持續成長之狀態。一個能夠長期經營之樂團,必定是受到因為樂迷認同與支持,才能持續屹立在音樂洪流中。   本研究認為五月天迷之品牌知覺價值、品牌忠誠度以及熱迷行為之間擁有正向影響關係,並透過SEM結構方程模式驗證本研究之假說,而研究結果發現: 1.當熱迷之品牌知覺價值越高,則對於該品牌之忠誠度會越高。 2.當熱迷之品牌忠誠度越高,則熱迷行為表現越強烈。 3.熱迷之品牌知覺價值與熱迷行為兩者間並無顯著關係。 從研究實證結果發現,五月天迷之品牌知覺價值構面以炫耀性為最低,其原因是否為五月天是較平易近人的,所以熱迷在炫耀性上的知覺價值相對最低,而在愉悅性及自我延伸性上的知覺價值,則是位居前兩位,這也是許多兩岸年輕的五月天迷的共同感覺,因為五月天在他們最為苦悶的升大學歲月,用音樂陪伴、紓解心情並幫樂迷找到持續努力的動力;而品牌忠誠度構面以行為忠誠較低,表示五月天迷支持五月天之方式不僅是以行動支持,而是打從心底認同及支持五月天;而熱迷行為之構面以網路傳播為最低,本研究推論其原因為五月天迷利用網路之功能多半為蒐集五月天相關資訊,而較少在網路上與同儕進行網路口碑交流。      本研究之品牌忠誠度在五月天迷的品牌知覺價值及熱迷行為間存在完全中介之效果,因此,本研究建議五月天可藉由發展更周全之網路平台或將周邊商品限量化及客製化,以提高五月天迷之忠誠度。


As technology advances, music fans are switching from purchasing compact disks to downloading online, causing the disk market to wane. Being a singer is no longer lucrative compared to the past. In Taiwan, however, there is an exception, a band called Mayday, which were even invited to attend the British Broadcasting show in November 2013. Mayday has a lot of fans in Taiwan and the number of fans has increased gradually. That is why Mayday has been such a famous band in Taiwan. In this research, it is hypothesized that the brand awareness, brand loyalty and fans behavior are related with positive effect. Structural equation modeling is applied and the results listed as followed. 1.The higher brand awareness the fans maintain, the higer brand loyalty they maintain. 2.The higher brand loyalty the fans maintain, the stronger behavior they are. 3.The relationship between brand awareness and fans behavior is no significant. From the research, the Conspicuousness’ value of Mayday’s fans is lowest in the brand awareness dimension and the reason is that Mayday is friendly; however, their Perceived Hedonic and the Perceived Extended-Self are among top 2 in the brand awareness dimension because the songs Mayday composed can release their pressure and recover their energy. The Behavioral Loyalty’s value is lower in the brand loyalty dimension because they support them from the bottom of their heart instead of buying Mayday’s products. The value of the internet communication is lowest in the fans behavior dimension because most of fans surfing the net is searching Mayday’s information instead of intercommunication. In addition, the result also shows that the brand loyalty acts as a total mediator in the relationship between brands perceived value and fans behavior. Therefore, Mayday can develop the completed network platform or customize their products in order to increase their fans loyalty.


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