  • 學位論文


Study of the Trademark Use and Infringement

指導教授 : 李崇僖


「商標使用」之概念,雖迭經商標法數次修正而漸趨具體化,然學說與實務見解仍一直未有定論。且何種商標使用方式將構成商標侵害,更有仁智之見。有論者以「商標使用」作為商標侵害之前提,目的在於過濾掉非商標使用之行為態樣,然亦有否定見解,逕以混淆誤認作為商標侵害之判斷依據。因應青年世代與微型創業之興起,使商標使用或創作者得預見實務見解走向,莫一時不慎致罹刑典或遭訟累。 本文將以案件整理及文獻回顧方法,探討商標使用之內涵與其於商標侵害案件中之必要性。探討重點置於智慧財產法院及普通法院商標侵害民刑事案件中,是否以商標使用為其判決前提,並加以分類、擷取要旨與重點。在經操作法學方法論中文義、目的及體系解釋後,以商標使用為商標侵害態樣之前提要件是較為可行的方法,特別是對青年世代與微型創業而言。除此之外,在間接/擬制侵害態樣上亦同。 在實體上,復因民國一百年六月二十九日修正商標法之商標使用概念,主要係借鏡日本商標法,故比較法上將以日本法之規定與案例為介紹剖析,核其商標使用行為之定義較我國更為明確,且商標侵害之認定亦以商標使用為前提。也提供青年世代與微型創業一個更好依循,或是保障自身所創造的財產。


商標使用 商標侵害


Although the law of trademark had been modified in a formal direction several times, it still exist some problem between the theoretical and pragmatic way about the concept of the “trademark use”. There are many different views in how to identify the essential condition for violation trade-mark. One of them saysthat the“trademark use” should be regarded as a premise to filter out some actions without “trademark use”. Others consider that to identify if it is a miss using or not will be the base of the judgment. Since the coming of the new cultural generation and the population of the micro-enterprise today, it is getting more important to avoid any problems in “trademark use” by understanding the direction of the concept in practical for the creators. And the “trademark use” is also need to de defined more precisely into the law of trademark. Here we will start from review some cases and documentations to discuss the concept of trademark use and the essential in trademark violation.The focus will be on if the trademark use is regarded as the premise or not in the Intellectual Property Court and Common Court. The main concept and the argument will also be pointed out. After using methodology of jurisprudence to analyze these cases, to put the trademark useas the premise for the trademark violation case would be a possible way for the new cultural generation and the micro-enterprise. Besides, it is same for the indirect infringement and fiction infringement. Since the concept of trademark use was modified by according some parts of the law of trademark of Japan on June 29 2011, we will introduce and analyze some rules in different casesinthe lawof trademark of Japan. After comparing the different definition of the action of trademark use will help us to make our trademark law more precisely. Also make a better way to follow and to protect their creation.


Trademark Use Infringement




