  • 學位論文


Asset Inequality in Taiwan: An Analysis from Housing Markets

指導教授 : 高一誠


世界銀行使用土地資產作為衡量不均等的標的研究發現,高度的資產不均等會導致成長減緩,而且資產不均等會比收入不均等更難以回復,會使的教育對不均等的干預效果較差,資產不均度較高的地區窮人更難藉由教育翻身。證明財富的分配對衡量國民的經濟不均等意義非常重大。然而在主計處沒有針對國民的財富進行統計的情況下,就現有的數據,家戶所持有的房地產價值顯然是重要的參考。眾所週知,國人素來有『有土斯有財的概念』。且根據行政院主計處99 年人口及住宅普查數據顯示,我國住宅自有率向來頗高,,且購屋傾向較租屋為高在家戶大部分均持有房地產的情況下,房地產的價格變動便會成為影響家戶財富分配的重要因素。本文以民國八十九年至九十五年的『家庭收支調查』,推算出台灣地區家戶所持有的房地資產價值,並進一步推算台灣的房地產基尼係數作為資產不均程度的代表,發現房價的變動是造成房地產不均度的重要原因。並進一步將民國89年至101年台灣各地區的房地產價格與個總體變數做縱橫資料的分析,發現營建成本、可支配所得、貸款利率和南北差距對房地產價格變動有顯著影響。


there are two parts in this thesis.the first part we focus on asset inequality in taiwan.Because the houses have been the most important asset for taiwanese family.The data we used was from The Survey of Family Income And Expenditure,which is a official survey implemented by Executive Yuan,R.O.C.Based on this survey,we calculated 2000-2006 estate price of each householdings.To measure the asset inequality,we used the gini index.And we found that the change of estate price is the major cause of asset inequality.The second part,we tried to find the relationship between macroeconomy and the house price.The conclusion is,interest rate,construction cost and disposable income significantly affect the house price.


inequality taiwan estate market


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