  • 學位論文


The Impact of Outsourcing on Manufacturing Value Added

指導教授 : 林師模 林晉勗


近年來,由於自由化的趨勢風起雲湧,使得各國貿易、對外投資及委外代工等活動逐漸熱絡,尤其因為關稅貿易障礙逐漸去除以及跨國運輸更加便利與快速,使各國的中間財貿易比例快速提高,不論對母國或對地主國的產業都將帶來莫大的影響。過去相關文獻對於產業獲利能力的研究,仍多著重於廠商面的資料探討,分析貿易活動對廠商獲利能力的影響,再延伸對產業可能的影響。然而,對整個經濟體系而言,委外代工模式是否對其有益?對產業附加價值又會帶來何種影響?文獻上卻鮮少觸及。有鑑於此,本研究特別利用多國產業關聯之跨時資料,以追縱資料 (panel data) 模型估計及分析跨國委外代工對產業附加價值的影響,以彌補文獻上之不足。 本研究的資料為歐盟所編製的世界投入產出表,其中包含40個國家及1個世界其他地區共41個區域,每個區域產業中包含14個製造業,資料期間為1995~2011年。本研究以進口非能源製造業中間財占總中間財的比例來衡量委外代工比例,實證結果顯示,委外代工、產業附加價值占總附加價值比例以及產出售與最終需求的比例對附加價值率有正向顯著的影響;另外,研究結果也顯示,產品中間財的比例對附加價值率有負向影響,而自1995年以來,多數國家的中間財貿易的比例大幅度提高,這也就是造成多數國家附加價值率逐漸遞減的原因之一。


In recent years, the tendency towards trade liberalization has heated up the activities of international trade, foreign investment and outsourcing gradually. In particular, the gradual removal of the tariff barriers and the rapid and convenient cross-border transport have rapidly increased the proportion of trade in intermediate goods. This trend has great impact on both home and host country’s industries. Several studies have suggested the potential benefit of outsourcing by firm-level data. However, there have been only few attempts to analyze the relationship between outsourcing and value added at the industry level. This research tries to fill this void by providing alternative insights using multi-regional inter-industry data and panel data models. The data source of this study is the world input-output database (WIOD) compiled by the European Union. The dataset covers 35 industries (14 manufacturing industries) in 41 regions in the world, over the period 1995-2011. We define outsourcing as the share of imported intermediate inputs in the total purchase of non-energy materials. Our empirical results show that outsourcing, the share of industry value added, and the share of goods sold to final demand have contributed substantially to the increase in value added ratio. Our results also show that the proportion of trade in intermediate goods bring significant negative effects to industry value-added ratio. This explains why there has been a decreasing trend for industry value-added ratio in most countries since 1995.


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