  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legal Institutions and Organizations of National Intelligence Service:Focus on the Draft of the National Security Law

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


近年來我國情報機關發生許多重大洩密案,包括軍事情報局、國防部電訊發展室、法務部調查局,甚至連最高行政機關總統府也爆發共諜案,顯示出我國情報機關在反情報工作上仍有許多問題;反情報工心之核心價值即是保護國家的機密和資產,以對抗外國或境外勢力的滲透,發現其計劃、組織後以更好的方式去擊敗其目的。惟我國執行反情報工作單位主要是保防部門執行由,並區分為機關保防、軍中保防及社會保防三類,分別由法務部調查局、國防部政治作戰局及內政部警政署辦理,雖設有全國保防工作會報,然此三類工作分屬不同部門,彼此無隸屬關係,人事、經費獨立運作,似有各自為政,資源分散情形,如何協調統合整體戰力,是本文研究目的之一;另我國反情報工作的法制面上,僅依行政院所核定的「保防工作作業要點」,法制面的不完備,似也造成工作推動無法順遂的另一原因,也是本文研究重點。 情報工作執行過程中常以秘密方式蒐集相關資料,涉及人民隱私權及通訊自由權,在如何兼顧基本人權與情報工作所維護國家安全上,取得最大的平衡;本文同時探討分析美、德與我國情報機關組織法制之建制、發展歷史過程以及「情治合一」、「情治分立」制度形成及發展原因,提供我國情報工作組織統合及法制面參考。


情報 反情報 保防


Many significant cases of disclosure of classified information occurred in recent years among our intelligence agencies, including the Military Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Telecommunication Development of the Ministry of Defense and the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. Even the Chinese espionage cases broke in the Office of the President, our lead executive organization, which indicates that there are still many problems in our counterintelligence. The core of counterintellegence is to protect national secrets and assets from being penetrated by foreign countries and forces, and to use a better way to defeat the enemy after discovering their plan. Our counterintelligence is executed by security units, divided into three categories: general organizations, military and society, which are respectively handled by the Information Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, the Political Warfare Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense and the National Police Agency of the Ministry of the Interior. Though the jobs of national security are reported in conferences, the three units seem to work independently with scattered resources. Therefore to study how to make them coordinated and integrated is one of the points of my paper. In addition, the legal systems and institutions of our counterintelligence, only based on “Points of national security” approved by the Executive Yuan, appears imcomplete which causes parts of the difficulty in execution of the work . That is another focus of my paper. Intelligence service is often executed through secret ways, which may affect people’s privacy and freedom of communication. How to keep a balance between basic human rights and national safety by Information agency is also what we are concerned. This paper also analyzes laws, histories and practices of the intelligence organizations in the United states, Germany and ROC, as well as the form and cause of “intelligence-and administration-in-one or separated” law, to provide reference for integration of our intelligence services and legal systems.


