  • 學位論文


Legal Issues of the State-owned enterprise’s overseas oil exploration: Focusing on Nationalization in Venezuela

指導教授 : 鄺承華


自從19世紀成功開採石油以來,因石化產業日益蓬勃發展,石油已成為人類日常生活中不可或缺的資源,甚至是各國的經濟戰略武器。目前全球的石油蘊藏量絕大多數分布於中東地區,其次為中南美洲,亞洲在各大洲中排名最末,而台灣雖然山川秀麗,天然資源卻非常匱乏,幾近全數仰賴外國進口,因此,考量到能源安全,掌握油源、進口來源之多元化便成為石油消費國的主要目標。 中油公司為國營事業,亦為台灣進行海外石油探勘的主力企業,油氣探勘性質上具備高投資、高風險且回收期長等特性,但效益可觀,透過提升自主油源,除可減緩高油價帶來的衝擊,對國家經濟、民生與國防亦具重要性。本論文先自石油產業現況開始介紹,其後論述國營事業海外探勘行為之績效與必要性,以及可能遭遇之法律爭議與困境。全文係以中油投資委內瑞拉礦區之爭議案例為中心,除了對於該國之石油政策變遷詳加闡述,面對地主國實行國有化政策強行徵收投資人資產之議題,亦有深入的研究;各國投資人為主張自身的權益,主要常以ICC(國際商會)與ICSID(國際投資爭端解決中心)之仲裁機制為爭端解決方法,而針對此二種不同的救濟途徑,在系爭個案中亦因為諸多因素而產生相異的結果;透過救濟機制之分析以及參考其他類似案例與文獻,對我國國營事業於未來相關爭議中應如何因應、投資行為前之風險防堵提出建議。


Since the beginning of the exploitation of oil in the 19th century, along with the growing development of the petrochemical industry, oil has become a key natural resource and even a strategic economic weapon. The majority of oil reserves in the world are located in the Middle East, followed by Latin America, with Asia ranked last. Although Taiwan is rich in natural beauty, resources such as oil and other fossil fuels are scarce. Due to growing concerns over securing energy against future needs, there is a major goal among oil-importing countries to control sufficient self-owned oil resources abroad as well as diverse sources for import. CPC Corporation, Taiwan is a state-owned enterprise, and it is the main overseas oil exploration company in Taiwan. Overseas exploration activities are greater investments with higher risk and longer payback periods, but may produce huge profit. It is important to increase Taiwan’s independence in oil and gas resources to reduce the impact of high oil prices on the national economy and people's livelihoods. The author of this paper opens by introducing the status of the oil industry in Taiwan, and subsequently discusses the necessity of the state-owned enterprise’s overseas exploration, including their experiences with legal disputes and difficulties encountered in Libya. The oil history in Venezuela will be explored next , focusing on the case of the Venezuelan Petroleum Investment Dispute. Last, This thesis will outline both the nationalization in Venezuela, and the risks posed by governmental property seizures in international business. Foreign investors often use the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) and the ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) as dispute settlement mechanisms; however, there are many issues in the arbitration process. By analyzing dispute settlement mechanisms and referring to the cases involving nationalization, this thesis aims to provide CPC with useful tools for the purpose of protecting its interest in this vulnerable situation in the future.


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