  • 學位論文


The Study of Turnover Intention for Expatriate Taiwanese Managers – for Example of Electronic Industry in Guangdong, China

指導教授 : 林震岩


本研究主要針對有廣東省常駐經驗之台籍幹部為研究對象,探討「外派大陸台籍幹部離職傾向之研究-以廣東省電子業為例」,探討就台籍幹部之個人背景、離職因素、外部機會對離職傾向之影響,同時探討離職因素對外部機會之影響,最後探討外部機會對台幹離職因素、離職傾向之干擾效果。 透過問卷調查共取得99份有效問卷,經實證研究獲得以下結果: 一. 隨著兩岸交流往來之頻繁,對外派廣東省台籍幹部來說,家庭問題、環境適應問題,對離職傾向之影響並不顯著,但在個人背景變項部分發現,女性、已婚及年齡在40歲以上之外派人員,離職傾向較低,年齡較輕的台籍幹部,可能有家庭支持問題、環境適應問題,以及較高的離職傾向。 二. 而在電子業兩岸人才競爭愈發激烈之情況下,對外派廣東省台籍幹部來說,回任的規劃、服務年資之工作保障,是最重要的。此外,相較外部公平(與其他公司比較薪資),或個人公平(個人認知薪資是否公平),台籍幹部更重視薪酬制度(公開、參與、溝通、申訴)之程序公平性。而工作保障(回任、保障合約)、薪酬制度公平性對台籍幹部之離職傾向有顯著的影響。 三. 外部機會對外派廣東省台籍幹部來說,自由度及社會網路(轉換工作之難易度及社交人脈),對離職傾向無顯著之影響,但外部機會之轉職動機及移動性(現實環境考量)部分,對離職傾向有顯著之影響,而外部機會與離職因素之交互作用,對離職傾向則無顯著之干擾效果。 四. 外部機會與組織問題之交互作用對離職傾向雖然無顯著之干擾效果,然而工作保障對外部機會卻有顯著的影響。也就是說台籍幹部對外部機會的認知取決於組織,組織願意給予台籍幹部之工作保障越高,員工認知之外部機會則越低,反之組織給予之工作保障越低,員工認知之外部機會越高。


離職傾向 外派人員 台籍幹部 大陸 廣東


The purpose of this research is focused on the The Study of Turnover Intention for Expatriate Taiwanese Managers – for Example of Electronic Industry in Guangdong, China. To explore the Taiwanese Expatriate Manager who has or ever had work experience in Guangdong Chi-na.To research the personal background, some factors that cause external turnover, at the same time explore the effect of external factors on the employment opportunity . Finally, to research employment opportunity would impact the relationship between turnover variables & turnover tendencis variables or not. In this study, we designed the questionnaire in order to find the influence turnover intenton issue. There are valid questionnaires 99 .Through the statistics analysis, we had gotten some conclu-sions as following: Due to frequent cross-Strait relations between Taiwan & China, the Taiwanese Manager in Guangdong, the Family issues, environmental & culture adaptations, the influence of turnover intenton is not significant. But in the background variables has found that, women, married manager and over 40 years mrs have the lower turnover tendecies. The younger managers may have more family and the environment & culture adaptations issues, as well as higher turnover tendecies. Talents between China & Taiwan keen competition in the electronics industry, to Taiwan manager in Guangdong the repatriate plan & a contract of job security are the most important to them. In addtion, to compare salary with other companies, or individuals salary are fair or not, are not concerned by Taiwan manager in Guangdong, they pay more attention to the Sal-ary system of process justice. Finally, we also found the job security variable (included repat-riate plan) and the salary process justice variable to Taiwanese manager turnover intentons have significant impacted. Empolyment opportunity, the ease of movement and social networking aspects would not in-fluence Taiwan manager turnover intentons, but the desirability of movemet and mobility as-pects would influence Taiwan manager turnover intentons, however, Empolyment opportunity would not impact the relationship between turnover variables & turnover intenton variables. Empolyment opportunity would not impact the relationship between turnover variables and turnover intenton variable, but the job security variable on Empolyment opportunity has sig-nificant effect. So Taiwan manager in Guangdong recept employment opportunities are many or few, depends on organization. Organization is willing to offer a more comprehensive em-ployment security for Taiwan manager, employment opportunities would be reduced. Contrary, organization offers an incomprehensive security; employment opportunities would increase.


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