  • 學位論文

知識管理、矩陣式組織對科技專案之影響 —以具機敏性之公務研究機構為例

The Impact of Knowledge Management and Matrix Organization on Technology Project – A Case Study of Confidential Official Research Agency

指導教授 : 郭財吉


摘要 為促進研發成果與產業經濟效益之有效連結,政府推動「科技專案計畫」以協助業界進行關鍵技術研發。在法人科專、業界科專及學界科專等三類科專模式中,以法人科專的運作方式較為特殊。主因為法人科專之執行單位兼具公務機關與法人研究單位的雙重特性,形成獨特之科專計畫運作模式。而公務研究機構又因其保密特性及矩陣式運作模式,對科專計畫之推動與執行產生特殊影響,以往囿於此一領域之特殊性,國內鮮有文獻或資料可供參考。為此,本研究以一具機敏性之公務研究機構為研究對象,透過問卷訪測方式進行資料分析,以瞭解知識管理與矩陣式組織對其執行科專計畫有何影響?希冀所得結論成果,能供後續學者參酌運用! 在經由對回收之問卷資料進行敘述性分析、相關分析、迴歸分析之後,重要結論歸納有以下幾項: 1.知識管理對個案機關之執行科專計畫並未產生正向影響。可能原因為該機關未妥劃知識管理作為,致使知識管理效益未對科專計畫產生助益。 2.個案機關之矩陣式組織對其執行科專計畫產生部分正向影響,顯示矩陣式組織可運用彈性編組將各專業資源投注於計畫中,減少若干行政作業流程所造成之延宕,確能有助科專計畫之推行,然而組織效能並非影響計畫之全部因素,故欲有效提高科專計畫質量,除採矩陣式組織運作模式外,仍需其他因素共同配合方致全功。 3.個案機關之員工填覆問卷資料時囿於公務保密原則,多採有條件之回答,意即當此問項無疑慮時才會明確作答,若涉及疑慮(如:跟組織、長官有關)時,則答案多隱晦模糊,造成分析結果或與真實狀況產生一定程度之誤差。 關鍵詞:知識管理、矩陣式組織、科專計畫


ABSTRACT To enhance the linkage between the R&D achievements and the industry economic benefits, the government executes technology development program (TDP) to help industry develop critical techniques. There are three kinds of execution modes: Organization TDP, Industrial TDP, and Academic TDP. Organization TDP is the most special mode among them because it is always executed by official agencies. These departments usually take account of security, and often organize matrix organization to execute TDP. In this research, we focus on a government research organization which owns alert and resourceful, and hope to find out the influences of knowledge management and matrix organization about TDP executed by government research organization. The following conclusions are obtained by this research: 1.Knowledge management has no positive influence to TDP executed by government research organization. Less attention and worse knowledge management manner may be the reasons. 2.Matrix organization has ambiguous positive influence to TDP executed by government research organization. Flexible work group provides better performance but the effect is limited. 3.Some analysis results receive from the employee of the government research organization could not reflect real condition. This is because they needs to keep secret if they think the questions have scruples. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Matrix Organization, Technology Development Program


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