  • 學位論文


The Research of National Land Use Right of Mainland China

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


土地是重要的生產資料,也是人類生活的主要根基,由於土地為稀有資源,如何發揮土地使用上的最大效益,並提高經濟效益、提供社會安全保障及實現公平正義已成為現代社會的重要議題。 中國大陸自中國共產黨於民國38年取得政權,不斷地進行其土地政策的推動,至1962年「人民公社」全面推動,形成全面社會主義土地公有制;而為強化土地使用效益,並配合經濟改革開放,透過《憲法》、《土地管理法》的修改,建立國有土地使用權有償出讓。   而台灣自國民政府於民國38年遷台以來,即進行土地改革,實施三七五減租、公地放領、耕者有其田,而繁榮了台灣經濟;但台灣實施公有、私有並存的均權制土地所有制度,不僅容許土地私有,而且有許多國有土地;過去國有非公用土地因管理不善,而遭竊佔及閒置之情形相當嚴重;並且區位良好之國有非公用土地常有標售,致屢受詬病;近來國內有識者逐漸重視國有土地閒置、佔用的問題,並管制國有非公用土地出售;財政部國有財產署也加強活化非公用國有土地,引發撰寫本論文的動機,研究中國大陸土地使用權及我國國有非公用土地的經營管理。 本論文主要是透過文獻分析,運用歷史研究方法,將中國大陸土地改革的歷程及演變進行論述,進而將中國大陸國有土地使用權相關制度的優劣進行剖析;其土地使用權有償制度的建立固有助於經濟改革開放,但仍有缺失、流弊。   而台灣的土地制度雖不同於中國大陸,但在國有非公用土地如不出售,而採用適當的開發機制,如:設定地上權、標租…,亦類似於中國大陸的國有土地的出讓、出租,因而於本論文一併探討。透過文獻分析,運用歷史研究方法,將台灣國有非公用土地的行政管理法制進行檢討,俾台灣國有非公用土地能充分的地盡其利,並充裕國庫,且嘉惠人民。


Land is a significant productive material and the essential base of human life as well. Due to the scarcity of land, how to take advantage of land to produce the best possible results, enhance the efficiency economically, provide social security and realize justice and rightness have become crucial issues in modern society. Since Chinese Communist Party assumed full control of Mainland China in 1949, it has continuously put its land policies into action. Till 1962, the people's commune system had been carried out all over the country so that land is determined to be owned only by the government or communes. To enhance efficiency of land use and support the economic reforms, the party has set up the system of the compensated selling of use right of state-owned land by amendments of Constitutional Law and Land Management Act. Comparably, after the nationalist government of ROC retreated to Taiwan in 1949, the government started out on land reforms, implemented "the 375 rental reduction", ""public land releasing" and "land to the tiller" to boom the economy of Taiwan. The Taiwan government executes a dual-track system on land ownership, which allows national properties and privately owned lands to co-exist so that land could be owned privately while plentiful lands are possessed by the government. In the past, non-public use national property is not managed and maintained very well and the problems of occupancy or vacancy are serious. Further, it is criticized that plentiful non-public used national properties that are located in good area are often put on auction. Recently, people with breadth of vision gradually pay attention to the problems of occupancy or vacancy and try to control the selling of national property. The situation inspires the writer's motive to write this thesis that National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance has enhanced the reactivation of non-public use national property. The purpose of this thesis is to study on the use right of land in Mainland China and the management and maintenance of non-public use national property in our country. This thesis discusses the process and changes of land reforms in Mainland China by analyzing documents and employing historical methodology to dissect advantages and disadvantages of the relevant system of use right of state-owned land. Although the system of compensated selling of land-use rights helps the program of economic reforms and opening-up, there are still pros and cons. Despite the differences of land systems between the Mainland China and Taiwan, if non-public use national properties are not sold but developed by applicable mechanisms, i.e. registration of superficies, leasing, etc, the situation is similar with the selling or leasing of stated-owned land in Mainland China. Therefore, this thesis also investigates this issue. This thesis inspects the management and maintenance of non-public use national property and looks forward to availing the full utilization of such properties, increasing government revenue, and benefiting all of people.


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陳怡安(2016)。公有非公用土地設定地上權運作模式之研究 —國有土地與臺北市市有土地之差異分析〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1005201615102306
