  • 學位論文


Chinese Language Training Materials Design And Develop Research For Vietnam Tour Guides

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


越南自1987年逐步開放觀光後,因為擁有得天獨厚的自然資源和歷史人文古蹟,和政府大力支持推動觀光產業的發展,成功的招攬許多外國觀光客前來旅遊,到越南觀光的旅客人數逐年成長,其中以華人觀光客的數量最多。為了因應市場的需求,越南政府開始積極培訓觀光華語導遊人才,許多青年學子也為了搭上這股熱潮,紛紛開始投入學習華語。 研究者發現,雖然越南政府正如火如荼的展開華語導遊的培訓,但是當地卻沒有一部適合的觀光華語導遊教材可以做為觀光華語導遊培訓的教材。研究者認為,如果要為當地的觀光華語導遊編寫一部適用的觀光華語導遊教材,除了要融入前人所導出的專業華語教材的編寫原則外,還要實地走訪當地,了解當地的情形。 本研究兼用訪談與問卷調查的方式。訪談的部份一共分成兩大部份: 1.訪談越南旅遊公司業務負責人及現職的觀光華語導遊,了解觀光華語導遊的招聘、公司培訓程序及觀光華語導遊實際導覽華人觀光團時會碰到哪些問題,並同時調查在第一線工作的觀光華語導遊對於觀光華語導遊教材的學習內容需求。 2.訪談越南大學中文系的教師,了解該系所規劃哪些專業課程,對學生未來從事觀光華語導遊的工作有實質上的幫助,以及調查教師對於一部好的觀光華語導遊教材應具備哪些內容的看法。 而問卷調查的部分,由於時間及人力有限,僅針對中文系的學生做問卷調查,調查的內容包括學生未來從事觀光華語導遊的意願及對於一部好的觀光華語導遊教材應具備哪些內容的看法。 研究者將所蒐集到的訪談資料及問卷進行整理歸納後,發現受訪者對於一部好的觀光華語導遊教材的內容有以下幾點共識: 1.介紹國際標準的導遊專業知識。 2.介紹越南旅遊景點的故事、歷史、文化。 3.針對台灣、大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡等地遊客的文化、風格介紹。 4.介紹越南的經濟狀況和投資環境。 5.學習講中文笑話。 6.融入現職或曾經當過觀光華語導遊的人的帶團經驗。 本研究依據相關文獻理論,搭配訪談與問卷調查的結果,設計出越南觀光華語導遊教材的範例,並採用專家調查法檢核本教材,提供內容改善建議。本研究的研究結果及範例教材可供未來有志從事越南觀光華語導遊教材開發或課程設計的研究者,以及有興趣前往越南進行華語教學的老師做為參考。


Since 1987,Vietnam open sightseeing step by step, due to Vietnam have congenital natural cource and historical antiques and Vietnam government full support to develop tourism industey, it appeal many foreign tourists come to Vietnam for travel successfully. The number of tourists who travel in Vietnam will increase gradually, and most tourists are Chinese .In order to satisfy the travel market, Vietnam start to train tour guide positively. For purpose of being a tour guide. many teenager devote themselves to learning Chinese. Researcher discover even if Vietnam devote to training tour guide positively, but there don’t have appropriate Chinese language training material can be used for tour guide. Researcher think if I want to design Chinese language training material for local tour guide, not only add specific Chinese language training material’s design rules, but also collect research information and realize local circumstance in Vietnam. The research will combine interview and questionnaire survey as the major method of collect research information. The interview will divide two part. 1. Researcher will interview the manager of tour company in Vietnam, realizing the company how to hire tour guide, the process about the company train their tour guide and the problem which tour guide meet when they introduce Vietnam’s travel scene. In the same time, researcher will investigate which content tour guide want to learn about Chinese language training material for tour guide. 2. Researcher will interview the teacher who teach in the Chinese department of Vietnam’s university, realizing the specific course which Chinese department’s design and whether these course can help student who want to be a tour guide in the future. In the same time, researcher will investigate teacher’s opinion about the content that Chinese language training material for tour guide need to contain. Due to time and human resource limition, researcher only aim to the Chinese department’s student to process questionnaire survey. The content of questionnaire survey contain whether student want to be a tour guide or not and their opinion about the content that Chinese language training material for tour guide need to contain. After conclude the research information which collected from interview and process questionnaire survey, researcher discover most of interviewee have same opinion about a good Chinese language training material for tour guide. 1. A good Chinese language training material for tour guide need to introduce specific knoeledge of international tour guide. 2. A good Chinese language training material for tour guide need to introduce Vietnam’s scene story, history and culture. 3. A good Chinese language training material for tour guide need to introduce Taiwan, China, Malaysia and Singapore tourist’s culture. 4. A good Chinese language training material for tour guide need to introduce Vietnam’s economy circumstance and investment circumstance. 5. A good Chinese language training material for tour guide need to teach learner how to speak chinese joke. 6. A good Chinese language training material for tour guide need to add the content which about tour gude’s work experience. The research combine related thesis, interview and the result of questionnaire survey, design the sample of Chinese language training material for tour guide, and adopt expert investigation method to check this material in order to provide the improving suggestion. The result of this research and the sample of Chinese language training material for tour guide will provide reference to those who want to research how to design Chinese language training material for tour guide that use in Vietnam and those who have interested in teaching chinese in Vietnam.




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