  • 學位論文


A Study on Social Network Marketing of Junior High School

指導教授 : 皮世明


臺灣人口的生育率下降,社會結構出現少子化的型態,根據教育部2012年統計資料顯示,推估台灣地區101年到116年國民中學新生入學人數約十萬人。「少子化」現象衝擊著國內教育,因應少子化對學校招生的衝擊,乃成為學校經營中一項刻不容緩的課題。校際間的競爭日趨激烈,學校為求永續經營,必需展現學校特色以吸引學生就讀,如何活用企業經營中行銷管理的理念,將其運用於學校行銷是非常重要的課題。 網際網路發展至今,就像陽光、空氣、水一樣的存在,隨著Web2.0概念的興起,以及普適運算概念融入生活,網路成為人們發表意見與溝通的重要管道。因此學校網路行銷不能再固守傳統網站的型式,應重視社交網站的影響力,著眼於學校正面電子口碑的建立,展現學校價值。 本研究採問卷調查法,以任職學校為研究對象,回收232份有效問卷,針對學校網路行銷管道進行分析進行資料分析,研究結果顯示學校網站之經營應重視以下幾個重點:訊息公告要正確且即時、增加多媒體訊息、網站內容分類清楚、提供優質路服務品質,維持學校網站之穩定性。若能於舊有的學校官方網站之外,另經營Facebook粉絲專頁等社交媒體,即時更新學校資訊,使訊息接收者對學校活動具有參與感與臨場感,對於提升學校的正面口碑有一定的幫助。在發佈內容方面,可以朝特色學習活動、閱讀、生態、溫馨、知性等學校多元特色發展,吸納不同族群訂閱粉絲專頁,便能達到學校網路行銷效果。


Taiwan's birth rate has been declining. Patterns of social structure few-children in families. According to the Ministry's 2012 year statistics show that Taiwan in the next 15 -year reduction in the enrolment of students in 100,000 people. Schools to show the characteristic and value in order to attract students. School marketing becomes a very important issue. Internet integrated into people's daily lives is more than 20 Year. In recent years, unit of Web2.0 concepts, networks become the people to express their views and the important channel of communication. Internet marketing should focus on the influence of social networks in schools. Establishment of school management unit to focus on positive electronic word of mouth. Using the questionnaire method in this study. To serve the school as a research object, recycled 232 valid questionnaires. Analysis on the school network marketing pipeline. Research on operating results of school's website should pay attention to the following points: information bulletin to correct and real-time, add multimedia messaging, Web site content provides a high quality service quality. In addition schools website, business Facebook fan pages and other social media. School information is updated in real time, enable the message recipient to telepresence and sense of participation in school activities. In terms of publishing content, featured learning activities, reading, ecology, development of school diversity characteristics such as warmth, intellectual. Diversity marketing to reach the school network marketing effect.


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