  • 學位論文


The Study on the Preservation Values of Da-Ping Settlement in Longtan Country

指導教授 : 黃承令


摘要 大平聚落位於龍潭鄉東南方,位於大漢溪旁,接近石門山區,原是高山原住民(泰雅族)的獵場。客家族群為求生存,冒險在此開墾建立「大平隘」。清朝時期,隘口初建完成常與原住民械鬥,為防範原住民的侵擾,聚落內巷衖狹窄迂迴,宛如蜂巢狀的迷宮,成為大平聚落最大的特色。日治時期聚落奠定良好的產業基礎。光復後,石門水庫興建計畫讓大平聚落有大幅的變遷。石門水庫完工後,政府頒布石門都市計畫,大平聚落被劃為水源保護區,限制與禁止建設,使得大平聚落在台灣經濟發展時期,能保存大部分的傳統建築與歷史紋理,今日成為一個「活」的傳統聚落。大平客家聚落,在地方史上有重要的地位,能夠深入瞭解「隘」形式的聚落空間與客家族群的生活、文化、習俗等。目前有關大平聚落的研究相當稀少、零散,本研究主要建立大平客家聚落歷史與空間分析資料庫。探討聚落空間、人文與建築之構成元素與紋理組織,並且彰顯大平聚落保存價值與意義。本研究期望成果能讓大平聚落居民能夠瞭解自身擁有的文化資產,並有助於未來推廣聚落保存與再發展之資料參考。


客家 聚落保存 大平


Abstract Da-Ping settlement locates in the east south of Longtan County beside Dahan River closed to mountain of Shih-Men. It was the hunting area of aboriginals(Atayal). For living, Hakka people take a risk establishing “Da-Ping-Pass “here. Ching Dynasty, the beginning of the establishing the pass caused the fight with the aboriginals. To prevent aboriginals invading, the ally in the settlement is narrow and winding just like honeycomb. It became the biggest feature in Da-Ping settlement. Japan Dynasty, the settlement set up the foundation of the industry. After the liberation of Taiwan from Japanese rule, the establishment plan of Shih-Men Reservoir starts made lots of change in the settlement. After the finishing the establishment of Shih-Men Reservoir, the government published Shih-Men Urban Planning Division¸ Da-Ping settlement is divided into preservation of water source, prohibited establishing, so Da-Ping settlement can preserve most traditional architecture and history in Taiwan Economic Developing. Now it began vivid traditional settlement. Da-Ping Hakka settlements stand an important place in history. It can deeply understand the style of “pass” settlement space and the life of Hokka people, culture, and customs. Nowadays the research of Da-Ping settlement is quietly less. This research can establish the analysis data base of Da-Ping Hokka history settlement. To discuss the elements of the settlement space, culture, and architecture, and show the meanings and the preservation value of Da-Ping settlement. Hoping this research establishing the history if Da-Pig settlement, space, and culture features can let Da-Ping settlement villagers realize their own culture property. Also,it can be helpful for promoting the preservation of the settlement. Also, it can be a data base for settlement developing.


Da-Ping settlement preservation pass


15.桃園縣政府,石門都市計畫第三次通盤檢討, 2009。
20.黃承令建築師事務所,大平橋調查研究暨修復再利用計畫書, 2012。
