  • 學位論文

工作績效、獎金設定與工作態度之相關性研究 —以銀行理財專員為例—

The Study on the Relationships among Job Performance, Incentive Reward and Work Attitude: Examples of Financial officers

指導教授 : 諸承明


近年來台灣金融業在開放新設立銀行後,許多銀行急速擴增財富管理業務以提升手續費收入,最為重要在於培養優秀的理財專員。在業務導向的行銷方式大行其道之際,如何讓從業人員在足夠獎金誘因之下維持良好的工作績效。因獎金制度的影響,理財專員的工作態度可能因此而受到改變,致使客戶的理財規劃因為從業人員的不當建議,產生資訊不對稱之狀況。 理財從業人員面對業務壓力以及獎金誘因,多數人對於本身所付出的心力和所得到的報酬可能有所落差,進而影響到工作態度。獎金設定的標準直接影響到從業人員的工作態度,此為物質層面影響;而由工作績效自評去影響工作態度,則是由本身內發所影響,兩種的根源不一樣,所造成影響的程度也不同。本研究從工作績效及獎金設定的角度出發,針對理財專員對其工作態度的影響作一探討,並驗證工作績效、獎金設定與工作態度之相互影響關係。 本研究以銀行理財專員為實證對象,共得167份有效問卷,經由統計分析之後,歸納出下列重要的研究結論: 一、工作績效對工作態度的影響 理財專員之工作績效對工作態度是呈顯著正相關,在利用迴歸分析後,工作績效中的銷售報告與工作態度的三個構面均呈現正向關係,表示越重視銷售報告其整體工作態度越高。 二、獎金設定對工作態度的影響 獎金設定對工作態度是呈顯著正相關,在利用迴歸分析後,獎金設定與工作態度的三個構面均呈現正向關係。獎金設定愈高,對其工作態度會有正面影響。 三、工作績效對獎金設定的影響 工作績效中的六個構面對獎金設定是呈顯著正相關,在利用迴歸分析後,工作績效中的理專工作績效衡量與獎金設定呈現正向關係,表示理專工作績效衡量越高其獎金設定越高。 綜合上述結論,本研究建議銀行要能永續發展,於理財專員的培養中,透過訪談及問卷方式慎選工作態度較高的員工,同時將工作態度列入績效評鑑項目之一,並在平時加強員工對公司的向心力。在客戶利益及公司經營利潤極大間取得平衡,並建立非銷售導向的多元考評制度。理專永續經營客戶關係,銀行才能永續發展,並給予客戶更高信賴感,如此對服務的要求及對價值的堅持,才會是客戶終身信賴且是企業長存的重要關鍵。


After the permitted financial industry to establish new banks, wealth management businesses have increased rapidly to enhance fee income. And the most important is to train outstanding financial consultants and officers. In recent years, the business-oriented marketing strategy is popular. Make financial officers in sufficient incentive payments and keep brilliant job performance is an issue to discuss. Due to the impact of the bonus system, financial officer’s work attitude may thus be subject to change, resulting in the customer's financial planning because improper suggestions, generate information asymmetry condition. Under pressures and bonus incentives, the work attitude of financial officers is usually affected because of the gaps from effort and reward. Incentive reward standard directly affects working attitude of employees, it’s the material aspect of impact. The evaluation of job performance from employees themselves to affects work attitude is intrinsic influence factors. Both of different origin caused the different degrees of impact. This study according to job performance and incentive reward the two points of view, make a discussion for the work attitude of financial officer. And verify the relationship of job performance, incentive reward and work attitude. Through statistical analysis from 167 valid questionnaires and summed up some important conclusions in this study are depicted as follows: 1. Job performance of financial consultant has significant positive influence on work attitude. In using regression analysis, the sales report of job performance was positively related with three aspects of work attitude, which means that the higher sales report, the higher work attitude. 2. Incentive reward has significant positive influence on work attitude. In using regression analysis, the incentive reward was positively related with three aspects of work attitude, which means that the higher incentive rewards, the higher work attitude. 3. The six aspects of job performance have significant positive influence on incentive reward. In using regression analysis, the officer’s job performance measurement of job performance was positively related with incentive reward, which means that the higher officer’s job performance measurement, the higher incentive reward. Taking these conclusions, this study suggests that banks should be able to sustainable development, in the culture of financial officers, carefully selected through interviews and questionnaires higher work attitude of staff, included work attitude as an item in performance appraisal and usually to enhance the centripetal force of employees. Strike a balance between the interests of customers and the company profit maximization, moreover, to establish non-sales-oriented multi-evaluation system. Staff sustainable customer relationships, banks can sustainable development, and to give customers higher sense of trust, so the demand for services and insist on value, let customers trust is the key to business forever.


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