  • 學位論文


Challenge and Growth :A case study of practicum of CFL Teachers in a University in Korea

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


在全球華語熱潮持續盛行的情況下,國內設立華語教學系所的大專院校越來越多,據教育部統計處的數據顯示,至2013年臺灣已有18所大專院校設立29個與華語教學相關之系所及學程,至今培養了六百多名畢業生,且人數還會持續增加。 隨著系所及班級數的成長,選讀華語教學專業的學生也日漸增多,在學校修習了二至四年的專業課程,若沒有教學的實戰經驗,未來進入職場可能會因為不適應華語圈的教學生態而萌生退意,為此各大專院校無不積極地幫學生尋求實習機會,然而在國內願意提供教學場域給實習教師的少之又少,且多以個別式的複習教學為主,大班教學的機會難求,因此便把實習場域延展至海外,讓實習教師進入第一線的教學現場。 然而實習教師到了一個人生地不熟的環境,除了是教學新手需要調適心情外,生活適應、人際關係樣樣都要重新開始,面對種種挑戰,實習教師要以什麼心態應對,又要怎麼做才能讓實習成為自己走向華語教學之路的墊腳石,而非絆腳石? 本研究採個案研究的方式,以韓國某大學的華語實習教師為研究對象,透過團體、個別訪談及問卷調查,瞭解海外實習對實習教師在自我成長與生涯規劃上的影響,以及海外實習措施在施行方面的難點。 研究結果發現,實習教師海外實習的過程中面對挑戰,雖然會出現不安、質疑、害怕等情緒,但最終都能以積極正面的心態面對,讓自己獲得許多經驗和成長,但也因此體會到華語教學工作的不穩定性,質疑自己是否能勝任華語教師的工作,並降低了從事華語教學工作的意願。因此建議校方可建立海外實習教師交流的平台,搭起前後任實習教師交接的管道,並審慎評估海外實習環境與實習教師評選制度,期望海外實習能成為孕育優秀華語教師之溫床。


With the fact that learning Chinese has become extrememly popular around the globe, there are more and more CSL/CFL programs had been established in universities and institutes in Taiwan. According to the Department of Statistics of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, there are 29 CSL/CFL related programs in 18 universities until 2013, and has cultivated more than 600 graduates, the number is still growing. With increasing programs and classes, more and more students take CSL/CFL as a profession. Nevertheless, if lack of practical experiences after two to four years of professional curricular, it is highly possible that when those graduates entering workplace, they might encounter the problem of misfit. Consequently, CSL/CFL programs in Taiwan are enthusiastically seeking practicum oppurtunities for students. Yet, the domestic oppurtunities are rare, and mostly are individual tutoring kind of instruction. In other words, overseas practicum is inevitable. However, preservice teachers has to face a array of challenges in an unfamiliar foreign environment. Such as mental adjustment, life style adjustment and inter- personal relationship. In what attitude should a preservice teacher hold, and how to do to make the most of the experience are still remain underexplored. The present research adopting case study as a method. By using group and individual interview, and questionnaire survey as a tool, the study geographically focused on investigating CFL preservice teachers in a University in South Korea. For the purpose of understanding, first, the influence of overseas practicum had on preservices teachers’ self growth and future career plan. Second, the difficulties of overseas practicum mechanism. The results found that albeit emotions like cofusion, doubting, and afraid emerged, preservice teachers can still face with positive attitudes. Preservice teachers gained lots of experiences and growed drastically from the practicum. Simultaneously, they realized the unstable status of the profession, and doubted their competency, hence, their willingness of working in the field has decreased. In expectation of making overseas practicum to become a benefit of breeding excellent CFL teachers, suggestions of the present research are as follows: first, to establish a platform for preservice teachers of different years to exchange ideas; second, to carefully evaluate the environment of overseas institutes and the criteria for preservice teacher selection.


