  • 學位論文


Design And Implementation of SharePoint Customer Service System

指導教授 : 孫天佑


摘要 現在是一個科技不斷創新的時代,所有的企業都需要電子商務的技術,一個e化的時代中,將浪費資源的紙本作業轉變成環保的電子表單,已經是各大企業所不可或缺的一種技術。各企業對於客戶服務也越趨重視,提升客戶對企業的滿意度與信任感是各企業都希望不斷進步的目標,再加上網際網路的方便,許多事情可以不需要出門便可以辦妥並受到完整的售後服務,才是讓客戶滿意的最佳方法,表單電子化與自動化工作流程已經是多數企業所需求的技術了。 利用SharePoint平台作為電子表單與外部網站的連繫平台,將外部網站所收集到的資訊傳送至內部平台並產生新的InfoPath電子表單,且自動進行工作流程,將工作轉交給各部門負責處理,可以為客戶省下出門的時間,並為企業內部紙本作業傳遞的時間大大節省,並將資料存入資料庫進行統計整理,為下一次研發的新產品提供許多資訊。


自動化 客戶服務 SharePoint InfoPath


Abstract Nowadays, technologies are advancing day by day, and, in particular, all companies and enterprises are in need of technologies that can automate their business. In such a trend, electronic forms that can be used to replace all paper forms are a must have for all companies. All companies focus more and more and customer service and improving the customers trust and faith in the companies becomes a goal that has to be emphasized continuously. And because internet is becoming more and more convenient, allowing the customers to enjoy a full customer service and without leaving their home is the best way to improve customer satisfaction. In this point of view, electronic forms and automation are becoming more and more important technologies to explore. In this paper, we implement electronic forms to be used for both internal and external network. By filling out a form on a public facing web site, the data is sent into the SharePoint platform and then generate an InfoPath for internal use. Workflow is then initialized immediately upon the creation of the InfoPath form, and approval tasks are assigned to related departments. Consequently, customers can enjoy their service without leaving their home and companies can save a lot of time by automating their service process. At the same time, companies can collect a great deal of data that may be used to improve their products in the future.


Automation Customer Service InfoPath SharePoint.


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[1]SharePoint 2013 企業網站及協同合作平台。取自
