  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Family-owned and Non Family-owned Enterprises and Innovation - Evidence from Taiwanese High-tech Industries

指導教授 : 俞海琴


全球的專利申請量由1980年代初期80萬件,增加至2009年180萬件;智慧財產權中具代表性的專利,其專利品質、策略布局已成為先進國家、企業的主要發展及競爭優勢.另創新與科技競爭力已是國際必備條件之一.位於已開發國家的企業,應著重在產業技術的升級、國際化競爭優勢的發展;如何提升企業內部創新及改革,值得深入研討. 本研究主要針對股權結構、董監事組織對企業創新的影響,以及創新的動力來自於家族內部或是非家族企業的成員.實證研究之對象為台灣上巿高科技產業共392家,研究期間為1997年~2011年,資料來源為TEJ資料庫及連穎科技公司之Patent Guide系統資料.將樣本區分為家族企業與非家族企業,分析在二群組下的企業創新是否不同.相對過去文獻,本文的特色如下:第一,除了以各期專利件數作為創新產出的指標,另探討專利件數與專利引證次數內生影響.第二,過去文獻鮮少以家族與非家族來探討創新的源頭是來自於內部或外部.本文運用分段式迴歸模型並以股權結構、董監事組織、專利件數及專利引證次數、銷貨成長率、研發支出、公司成立年數等作為所處生命週期各階段的因子,探討家族企業與非家族企業對創新的投入重視程度,透過R&D支出的投入,,並創新的產出:專利件數與及專利引證次數異同的關係.,家族企業與非家族企業對研發支出的投入,對專利件數及專利引證次數異同的關係:本文亦是希望實證結果有助企業對創新研發的投入評估,以達企業的永續經營.?


According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, companies use intellectual properties as the main source of innovation and it is noticed that the application for patents has boosted an enormous growth of 56% over the last decade (WIPO, 2011). Innovation and technology are key drivers of competitive advantage in today’s global economy. Hence, this study aims to focus on how enterprises in developed countries pay attention to technology upgrades and boost the improvement of internal innovation and reform which leads to a great impact on family firms. The objectives of this paper are as follows. First, this study investigates the impact of the number of patents on innovation and company performance. Second, the source of innovation in family and non-family firms is determined as internal or external. This study employs an ordinary least square regression model and variables, such as family ownership, ownership structure, number of patents and patent citations, R&D expenses, and age. The analysis of R&D expenditures determines the degree of influence of investing in family and non-family firms on innovation. The relationship between the number of patents and patent citations is also discussed. The empirical results of this study will help in the sustainable operations of enterprises with its continued emphasis on innovation and R&D investment.


Patent citations Family ownership Innovation Patent


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