  • 學位論文


A Study on Fair Use Doctrine of Quotation in Copyright Law

指導教授 : 陳錦全


在自己的創作中引用他人作品作為自己作品之一部分,為日常生活中十分常見之行為,在著作權法上屬於著作財產權限制之列舉事由之一。例如電視台製播國共戰爭專題報導,為描寫國共戰爭當時之情境,在節目中引用「蔣介石日記」中,陳述國共戰爭當時之心境之部分內容。此時是否可以主張第52條引用之合理使用?第52條之引用又有哪些要件?不符合引用要件的話是否還能主張其他合理使用?電視台公開播送專題報導時,將蔣介石日記之部分內容一併公開播送,該行為係屬引用之一部分或為引用結果之後續利用? 本文透過1.引用之要件:引用之定義、引用之法定要件與非明文要件、2.引用之合理使用列舉事由與第65條第2項審酌要素之關係、3.不符合引用要件之處理、4.引用結果之後續利用之四個層次來處理引用議題。 藉著伯恩公約之引用規範、美國法第107條合理使用條款及日本法第32條第1項引用規範,對於上述四個層次的議題,配合我國實務爭點分析,提出引用之合理使用相關修正建議。盼此修法建議能解決現行引用相關議題之困境,達成合理使用調和社會公共利益,促進資訊之流通之目的,促進國家文化之發展。


Quotating copyrighted contents in one’s creative work is normal . It’s regarded as the limitation on economic rights on Copyright Law. For example, when a TV station produced and broadcasted “Chinese Civil War” special program, would it claim the “fair use” of the Article 52 if they use the copyrighted work “Chiang Kai-shek’s diaries” which part of Chiang Kai-shek described his conceptions to the war as part of the program? Which elements are required by the Article 52? When the quotation were not regarded as limitations on exclusive rights, which would still be able to affirm the defense of fair use? If the TV station broadcasted the programs while “Chiang Kai-shek’s diaries” will also be publicly broadcasted at the same time, would this activity be considered as a quotation or be the results of the subsequent use as a quotation? This study deal with the issue of quotaion in Copright Law through four steps: 1. Elements of quotation: the definition of quotation, the requirements of quotation. 2. The relationship between the limitations on exclusive copyrights in quotaion under Article 52 and regarding as fair use dictrine under Article 65Ⅱ. 3. What can user do if he or she cannot claim fair use in accordance with the provision of Article 52? 4. Results of the subsequent use as a quotation. The aims of the study which recommendations and amendment draft for amending Article 52 of the Copyright Law depends on the introduction of the Berne Convention Article10(1), U.S. Copyright Law Article107, and Japan Copyright Law Article32(1) and dispute in practice at Taiwan. Hope this amendment draft will resolve issues related to the plight of the quotation, and balancing different interests for the common good of society, and promoting the development of culture.


經濟部智慧財產局,認識著作權, 2004年。


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