  • 學位論文


Applying Flipped Classroom and Peer Interaction Learning on the Blended teaching

指導教授 : 鍾斌賢


反向課堂往往需借助多項教學策略及數位化學習工具來輔助學生進行多元化的混成式教學。由於學生預先研讀各項於數位學習平台上的教材後,在授課前便對課程學習目標與內容有一定程度的了解,另一方面也會產生對課程內容一些的疑問。 因此教師在課堂中便可運用問題導向學習方式,引導學生自主性的分析及解決問題。本研究於課程進行時提供補救學習及同儕互動學習工具,於課程結束時評量學生之學習成果,歸納分析得知此種混合了成果導向學習及問題導向學習的反向課堂教學模式,確實有助於提升學生之各項學習表現進而提升自我學習成就。


When implementing flipped classroom, it needs several learning strategies and E-learning tools to assist students doing blended learning. By studying the learning materials on the E-learning platform in advance, students may have a certain degree of knowledge, he or she may know the target and the contents of a class before class time. In another aspect, students may also find some problems during the self-learning stage. Therefore, the teacher may leverage problem based learning strategy and then guide students analyzing and solving the problems by themselves. In this research, we provide remedy learning and peer interaction tools during learning stage under flipped classroom. In the end of semester, we collected the relation between the learning progress and learning achievements to judge the study results of students. After analyzing, the conclusion result is that a flipped classroom with blended learning which mixed up outcome based learning and problem based learning raised learning achievement of students.


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