  • 學位論文


A Study of Blended Programming Assignments in an Introductory Programming Course.

指導教授 : 夏延德


對於程式設計的初學者來說,程式的運作原理以及流程是陌生且抽象的,因而令大多數的程式設計初學者感到程式的寫作與設計是很困難的[McCracken, 2001]。因應此現象,教學上的輔助工具(如視覺化輔助學習工具)不斷的推陳出新,且皆有不少研究證實其在教學成果上之貢獻。 而除了教學的輔助工具之外,教學策略對教學成效亦影響甚深。本篇研究旨於驗證在教學策略方面使用混合式作業在教學成果上之助益。 有別於傳統的「上課後給予學生作業作為課後練習」的教學方法,混合式作業方式在課前加入Concept-related practice的階段,讓學生在正式於課堂上學習概念之前,先對程式有些微的接觸作為初體驗,讓學生在課堂上能將老師所教的概念與課前接觸過的程式作聯想,因而降低在課堂上對聽到的程式概念抱有陌生感。而後,我們一併驗證之前所做過的研究中,將視覺化以及透過文字邏輯推演的兩種程式學習輔助工具拿來做搭配,以找出最適合初學者的學習策略與輔助工具的應用配方。 實驗以本校資訊系大一新生為對象,分為三組,皆採用混合式作業方式,但搭以三種不同的學習輔助工具,分各階段檢驗學生之學習狀態。 研究結果顯示,加入Practice-related practice的混合式作業學習策略相較於傳統的學習方法有著良好的表現結果,而視覺化及文字邏輯推演兩者在混合式多樣化學習中之輔助角色在不同的學習階段各有其優異的表現,故我們可以得知:混合式作業學習方式在學習成效上有其良好的功效,而此方法與輔助工具的搭配也會帶來不一樣的效果,其中視覺化的學習輔助系統在前期效果顯著,後期則是由文字邏輯推演之學習輔助系統效果勝出,故整個學習歷程中其搭配方式不限於單一系統,可因應學生的學習歷程去做調整與搭配。


It’s hard for the novice of learning programming language to understand “what is it” and “how it work” about the concepts of programming, because the concepts they need to learn are abstract for them and they feel unfamiliar with the concepts they have never seen [McCracken, 2001].On account of this, many learning-assistant systems rise to the occasion and their efficacies have been proved. In addition to teaching aids, the teaching strategy is also deeply influenced the effectiveness of teaching.This study aimed to verify the teaching strategies used in hybrid operation in the teaching of the vote on the outcome. Differ from traditional teaching method, blended programming assignment which we use adds a “Concept-related practice” before class, it let students have a elementary cognition of the concept that teacher will teach. Beside of normal assignment, we join the Visual and Deductive I/O learning-assistant systems into blended programming assignment to find out the best way to collocate teaching metod and learning-assistant systems for novice programmers. Our Experimental object is the freshmen in our department, we devided them into three groups, they all use the blended programming assignment way to learn programming but with three different kinds of concept-related practice way to do their homework every week, and we will do some tests and questionnaires after their learning to observe the learning efficiency. In result, the blended programming assignment brought the novices good effect, and the Visual and Deductive I/O learning-assistant systems also have good performance in the different phases of learning process.Visual has a better performance in prophase and Deductive I/O is better in later period. It can be seen that we can adjust and Collocation the the teaching strategy and learning-assistant systems even in difference phase in a programming learning process.


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