  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Mainland Tourists Impact on Taiwan's Economy

指導教授 : 王如鈺


在2001年1月1日小三通後,中國大陸民眾得以來臺旅遊,於2003年春節期間包機直航;更於2008年2月15日全面啟動大三通,在2009年7月陸續增加航點,使得兩岸交通更為便利,亦促進兩岸交流更增進臺灣經濟的轉動,均為臺灣經濟提供『活水』。 本研究以資料蒐集、訪談方法,與談旅館業與餐飲業、遊覽車業、導遊工作者、夜市業者進行探討,針對陸客來訪對臺實質上的影響,於此研究發現; 一、經濟上:對臺灣經濟上有實質的幫助,從航空業、餐飲業,運輸業、旅遊業、景區周邊攤販、購物店、夜市,均出現人力缺口問題。 二、旅遊業慘況:以陸團為主首當其衝,雪崩式暴跌牽動相關旅遊產業。 三、陸客觀光收益的分配:陸客來臺旅遊,以環島形式,造就各地均有觀光收益 四、陸方「組團社」與臺灣「地接社」的數量不對等問題:陸客來臺、臺灣人赴陸旅遊人數在近幾年變化,出現不對等情況。 五、一條龍的利弊:多數人認知一條龍是弊大於利,但事實上,一條龍企業雇用員工多數為臺灣人。 六、兩岸觀光費用的支付對等性:兩岸付款模式的變化到實質簽約制的對等性。 七、環境上:於各個遊樂景區原本僅本地人旅遊,加上零星非陸客國籍的旅客,開放後均是陸客;且對於環境的傷害所帶來的影響! 研究上較為著墨於陸客對臺經濟影響力,畢竟民生的問題較為有感,尤其 2016年政黨輪替後,陸客來臺呈現「跳水式」崩落,到至今自由行也沒落了,雖然新政府開啟南向政策卻無法將臺灣旅遊急救成功,陸客沒了,他國遊客確實增加,但是對經濟上卻無實質幫助,因為在消費力道上別國著實不如陸客,本研究論其原因為陸客對臺灣經濟有著某一定程度的影響,且範圍之廣!尤其在本研究建議上,由政府主導團費及人數,以控管低價、旅行社拖欠及控管一條龍。




After the small three links on January 1, 2001, people from mainland China were able to travel to Taiwan and chartered flights during the Spring Festival in 2003. On February 15, 2008, the three-way subway was fully launched, and in July 2009, it was gradually increased. The point makes the cross-strait traffic more convenient, and promotes cross-strait exchanges to enhance the rotation of Taiwan's economy. It provides "live water" for the Taiwan economy. This study explores the hotel industry and catering industry, the tour bus industry, the tour guides, and the night market industry by means of data collection and interviews, and focuses on the impact of Luke’s visit to Taiwan. I. Economically: There is substantial help to Taiwan's economy. From the aviation industry, the catering industry, the transportation industry, the tourism industry, the vendors around the scenic spots, shopping stores, and night markets, there are manpower gaps. 2. The tragic situation of the tourism industry: the main focus of the land group, the avalanche-style collapse caused the relevant tourism industry. 3. The distribution of land objective light income: Luke to Taiwan tourism, in the form of round-the-island, creating tourism revenues everywhere 4. The number of non-reciprocal issues between the "community group" of the land side and the "land agency" of Taiwan: the number of tourists visiting the land in Taiwan and Taiwan has changed in recent years, and there is a reciprocity. 5. The advantages and disadvantages of one-stop: Most people know that one-stop is more harmful than good, but in fact, the majority of employees employed by one-stop companies are Taiwanese. 6. Equivalence of payment for cross-strait tourism expenses: changes in cross-strait payment models, and equivalence in substantive contracting systems 7. Environment: In the various scenic spots, only local tourists, plus sporadic non-land passengers, are open to the public; and the impact of environmental damage! The research is more focused on the economic impact of Luke on Taiwan. After all, the problems of people’s livelihood are more sensitive, especially After the opening is the land passenger; and the impact of environmental damage! The research is more focused on the economic impact of Luke on Taiwan. After all, the problems of people’s livelihood are more sensitive, especially After the rotation of political parties in 2016, Luke came to Taiwan to present a "diving-style" collapse. So far, the freedom of travel has also declined. Although the new government has turned to the southward policy, it has not succeeded in making Taiwan’s tourism first aid. The land passengers are gone, and the tourists from other countries have indeed increased. However, there is no substantial help in the economy, because in the consumption power, other countries are not as good as Luke. The reason for this study is that Luke has a certain degree of influence on the Taiwan economy, and the scope is wide! Especially in the research proposal, the government led the group fee and the number of people to control the low price, the travel agency default and control one-stop.


Mainland Tourists


私人。譯自:Tourism:A Modem Synthesis
