  • 學位論文


Neo-Evolution of Employee Commitment- A Validation of the Theoretical Model

指導教授 : 吳美連


本研究的調查共分為四個部份:一、調查轉換型領導、知覺組織支持、承諾對象與承諾構念之間的關係。二、調查上司承諾是否是為轉換型領導與組織承諾的中介變項。三、調查員工是否可以被明顯的區分成高組織承諾-高上司承諾(員工對組織及上司皆有高度心理上依附)、高組織承諾-低上司承諾(員工對組織有較高的心理上依附,對上司的心理依附則較低)、低組織承諾-高上司承諾(員工對上司有較高的心理上依附,對組織的心理依附則較低)、低組織承諾-低上司承諾(員工對組織及上司的心理上依附皆較低)。最後,探討這些不同族群員工的整體工作滿足(工作本身、薪水、同事、升遷)、個體工作滿足(上司)、對組織有利的組織公民行為(OCB-O)、對特定個人有利的組織公民行為(OCB-I)及離職傾向是否有所不同? 本研究是以2008天下雜誌排名前1000大為抽樣母體共隨機挑選800家為施測對象,經過二次施測扣除無效問卷之後共有198份為有效問卷。問卷配對是以一個主管配二個員工,因此回收主管問卷198份,員工問卷396份。 結果顯示,員工知覺到的轉換型領導對上司認同與上司內化達顯著正向預測能力。員工感受到的組織支持對組織認同與組織內化達顯著正向預測能力。轉換型領導對上司承諾的預測能力明顯高於知覺組織支持,知覺組織支持對組織承諾的預測能力明顯高於轉換型領導。上司承諾在轉換型領導與組織承諾之間扮演一個重要的中介效果。 本研究透過集群分析的確有效將員工分成四個族群,而這四個族群中的高組織承諾-低上司承諾與低組織承諾-高上司承諾員工也對整體工作滿足、個體工作滿足及離職傾向有明顯的差別。最後提出本研究的管理意函、研究限制與未來研究建議。


The purpose of this research is four-folds: 1. examines the relationships among transformational leadership, POS, commitment foci and commitment bases; 2. investigates whether supervisory commitment is a mediating variable of the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment; 3. explores whether employees can be clearly divided into HOHS (employees who are attached to the organization and supervisor), HOLS (employees who are attached to the organization), LOHS (employees who are attached to their supervisor), and LOLS (employees who are attached to neither the organization nor supervisor); and 4. examines if the profiles are differentially related to global job satisfaction, local job satisfaction, OCBI, OCBO, and turnover intention. Eight hundred of a random sample of Taiwan’s top 1000 companies was chosen as the research targets, and 198 valid questionnaires were returned. As one supervisor corresponded with 2 employees, supervisor surveys totaled 198 and employee surveys 396. Results showed that the higher the subordinate’s transformational leadership perception of a supervisor, the higher the identification and internalization towards the supervisor will be; the higher the subordinate’s POS, the higher the identification and internalization towards the organization will be; transformational leadership’s forecasting ability is greater than that of POS with regards to supervisor commitment; POS forecasting ability is greater than that of transformational leadership with regards to organizational commitment. Also, supervisory commitment is a mediating variable of the relationship between transformational commitment and organizational commitment. Through cluster analysis, this study was effective in separating employees into 4 groups. Specifically, HOLS and LOHS employees demonstrated significant differences in global job satisfaction, local job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Implications and directions for future research are subsequently provided.


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溫淑戀(2011)。從認知評價觀點探討工作-家庭衝突的 因果模式—調適行為的調節效果〔博士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100287
