  • 學位論文


Paranoia ideation, anxiety and depression in college students

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景與目的. 近年來,關於被害妄想理論研究受許多學者關注,國外兩大針對被害妄想所提出之模型,亦分別針對焦慮及憂鬱加以探討,研究結果多指出被害妄想患者與焦慮憂鬱相關,但許多研究基於不同理論背景使用不同研究方法,使得結果並未有一致性結論,或未將焦慮與憂鬱一同探討,且國內較缺乏針對一般人口群的被害妄想研究,故本研究欲探討國內大學生之被害妄想想法與焦慮憂鬱之相關,以冀提供未來對於被害妄想現象之瞭解或未來臨床研究之參考。 研究方法. 本研究分為三階段進行,第一階段為量表施測,共有424人參與研究,全為中原大學心理系、特教系及研修軍訓課之學生,其中有7份量表因漏答超過兩份問卷故為無效問卷,最後共有417份有效問券納入研究分析。其中,共有202人完成Green被害妄想量表(GPT)、Peters妄想量表(PDI)、中文版貝克焦慮量表(BAI)、中文版貝克憂鬱量表(BDI-II)、簡短核心基模量表(BCSS)及簡短症狀自評量表(SCL-90-R),共6份量表評估,為完整問卷組;有215位完成Green被害妄想量表、中文版貝克焦慮量表、中文版貝克憂鬱量表,共三份量表,為簡版問卷組。第二階段為問卷之再測,共有85人參與再測,再測部分量表依序為:Green被害妄想量表(GPT)、簡短核心基模量表(BCSS)及Peters妄想量表(PDI)。第三階段為情緒Stroop作業,受試者篩選是依第一階段問卷之Green被害妄想量表得分,篩選百分位數78.0(68分)以上者為「高分組」,與百分位數21.3(45分)以下者為「低分組」,經電話通知邀請參加此情緒Stroop作業之施測,在受試者同意後安排固定時間,以電腦施測情緒Stroop作業。接續,分析探討於量表測量及認知作業(情緒Stroop作業)中,焦慮憂鬱情緒與被害妄想量表得分之相關。 研究結果. 本研究結果,於量表信效度分析及因素分析上,Green被害妄想量表及簡短核心基模量表皆有極佳信效度及因素分析結果,唯有Peters妄想量表的內部一致性為.67,稍低,及其再測信度在「信以為真程度」前後測得分未達顯著相關。量表得分分析上,支持被害妄想與焦慮憂鬱情緒具高度正相關,且於控制焦慮得分後亦與憂鬱得分有顯著正相關,在控制憂鬱得分後與焦慮亦呈現正相關。且在Green被害妄想量表中得分高者,明顯較得分低者,在焦慮、憂鬱、人際敏感、敵意、精神病性的量尺中得分高,指稱具被害想法者對人際較敏感、具敵意、較為焦慮憂鬱,且精神病性指標亦較高。並探討焦慮憂鬱與自我他人概念對被害想法之關係,研究結果發現焦慮憂鬱及自我他人概念能有效預測被害想法,其中自我他人概念中之對他人之負向概念最具影響力。於情緒Stroop作業中,高分組與低分組在各種字詞的反應時間及錯誤率上,皆未達顯著差異,未符合實驗假設。 結論. 經翻譯使用之Green被害妄想量表(GPT)及簡短核心基模量表(BCSS)具良好信效度。研究初步證實被害妄想想法與焦慮憂鬱情緒皆達高相關,且顯示被害妄想量表中得分越高者,在焦慮、憂鬱、人際敏感、敵意、精神病性的量尺中得分亦較高,其對自我及他人之概念越負向,與國外研究結果一致。於情緒Stroop作業中未顯現高低分組有反應時間或錯誤率之差異,但因高分組個案流失可能影響相關分析。本研究在最後亦提出研究可能的限制,以及未來的研究方向。


Background and Purpose. The nature of paranoid delusion and possible explanations has been investigated by many researchers in recent years. Various hypothesized models focused on the associations among paranoid delusion and anxiety and depression have been postulated. However, the results were inconsistent. The discrepancy may be resulted form different study designs or not investigating the co-effects of anxiety and depression. In our best knowledge, there was no study has been conducted to investigate the associations between paranoid idea and anxiety, depression in normal population or specific population group in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possible associations between the paranoid idea and depression and anxiety among university students in Taiwan. Method. All participants were recruited from the full-time students of Chung-Yuan Christian University on voluntary basis. After enrolling to this study, participants were assigned to two groups. One group(the comprehensive group) took six Chinese version self-administrated inventories, including Paranoid Thought Scales(GPT), Delusions Inventory(PDI), Beck anxiety inventory(BAI), Beck depression inventory II(BDI-II), Brief Core Schema Scales(BCSS) and Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). Another group (brief form group) took GPT, BAI and BID-II instead of all six. The retest was done by the selected participants from comprehensive group. Some of the selected subjects completed the assigned inventories with their agreement were instructed to take the Computer-aided self-administrated Emotional Stroop Task. The descriptive, association, multiple regression and related statistical analyses were run by the commercial statistical software package SPSS Ver. 15. Results. Four hundred and twenty four students were enrolled to this study. Two hundred and two of the comprehensive group had completed the assigned inventories. Two hundred and fifteen of the brief group completed the assigned inventories. Of the two groups, seven were excluded for data analysis for not completing the inventoried assigned. Eighty five participants took GPT, BCSS and PDI in sequence for retest process. The resulted showed that the validity, reliability and factor analysis of Chinese Version of GPT & BCSS were satisfactory. However, the Chinese Version of PDI did not. A statistically significant positive association between paranoid idea and anxious and depressive symptoms was found in this study. In addition, there were positive correlation among paranoid idea and interpersonal sensitivity, hostility and psychosis found. The results also suggested that there was not significant difference of the reaction time and error rates of Emotional Stroop Task between GPT high level and low level groups. Discussion. In this study, the results revealed that there were strong positive associations among paranoid idea and both anxious and depressive symptoms and hostility and negative self-scheme scores in our study participants. The study results also showed that the higher scores in GPT, the greater probability to have anxious and depressive symptoms. These results were consistent with other studies. These similar studies findings implied that anxious, depressive symptoms, self-schema and negative other schema might have impacts on paranoid idea. However, the participants of this study were recruited from the full time students of a university. The generalizability and possible clinical applications still need further studies and explorations.




