  • 學位論文


The Relationships Among Interest Rates, Collaterals, and Borrowers’ Types: A Case Study of Taiwanese Commercial Bank

指導教授 : 俞海琴


本研究係以國內某商業銀行房屋貸款授信資料,選取2002年至2002年底,計201個觀測值進行研究,並三階段最小平方法聯立方程式模型(3SLS)、分群檢定和集群分析等實證模型,除了探討擔保品與貸款利率相互之關係,本文更依據借款人型態不同,試圖找出有關借款人型態與房屋貸款審核的關鍵指標。 研究發現,在三階段最小平方法聯立方程式模型中,貸款利率與擔保品互為負向顯著關係,表示高擔保品,貸款利率愈低,低擔保品,貸款利率高;其中借款類別為非購屋貸款、案件來源為無銀行往來關係,則與貸款利率呈現顯著正向關係;另外,在擔保品方面,擔保品分別與、家庭收入、借款類別為非購屋貸款、案件來源為無銀行往來關係,呈現顯著正向關係;而在貸款成數、職業類別之大型企業員工與軍公教職員,皆與貸款利率與擔保品呈現顯著負向關係。 在分群檢定中,發現不論貸款利率高低,貸款金額高相對其擔保品價值高;而在高貸款金額中,則具有資訊對稱的情況,顯示銀行將針對借款人不同優劣條件,採取貸款利率差別定價的方式;在低貸款金額中具一定程度之資訊不對稱,容易導致逆選擇問題的產生。 最後,將借款人型態以集群分析區分高風險、中風險與低風險借款人三類別,發現不同個別特質之借款人,確實有顯著差異影響,尤其是低風險借款人不論擔保品高低,都比較容易獲得低貸款利率。


Using three-stage-least-square (3SLS) method, this paper investigates the relationships between interest rates, collaterals, and borrowers’ characteristics. Our samples of 201 effective observations are obtained from a private commercial bank department of loan during 2002-2005. Some interesting findings conclude below. 1) A significantly negative correlation is found between interest rate and collateral; 2) The loan type of trading case have significantly higher interest rate than the loan type of non-trading case; 3) The loan case without banking relationship have higher interest rate than the loan case with banking relationship; 4) Borrowers’ occupations which are soldiers, teachers, public servants or working in large corporations have significantly lower interest rates and lower collateral, they are advantageous; 5) The loan ration shows a significantly negative relationship on interest rate and collateral; 6) The large the loan amounts, the higher the collateral value is required no matter what the interest rate is set to. Finally, after grouping the full sample to three types of borrowers-high medium, and low risk, we find their background characteristics are significantly different. Especially, low risk borrowers are offered significantly lower interest rate than other two types of borrowers. It also implies the asymmetric information problem does not exist in domestic loan markets.


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