  • 學位論文


An Environmental Protecton Benefit Analysis of the Waste Water Recycling Use The Case of Jhongli Industrial Park

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


中文摘要 近年來桃園地區因高科技產業群聚效應與科技園區不斷的開發,導致需水量急遽增加,且受到氣候異常變遷與傳統水源開發困難等影響下,未來勢必將影響產業用水,除了推動節約用水外,水再生再利用成為目前最重要選項。將污水處理廠之廢水經高級處理設備處理至用水標的水質標準,再藉由供水管網分配至不同使用點,如此可減少一般工廠對於水再生處理設備投資之負面衝擊,可吸引廠商進駐;就整體水資源而言,提升工業區廢水再利用水量,即達成提昇工業用水回收率目標,同時可增加自來水的替代使用率及減少污水廠排放量,除了減少對環境的污染及衝擊外,對水資源之永續利用,有正面意義。 本研究分兩部份針對中壢工業區廢水回收再利用之環保效益進行探討與分析,第一部份是問卷調查,藉由對中壢工業區內產業進行問卷,對產業用水特性、再生水使用意願、用途、水質等相關考慮因素進行研究與探討,以期提供日後水資源再利用規劃之參考,第二部份則以工業區廢水回收再利用之效益進行評估,對再生水設置規模最佳化作探討。 在產業用水問卷調查中得知,再生水使用意願,同意與反對分別佔74%與26%。而願意配合使用再生水之廠家,所持理由以節省自來水需求量之費用與缺水危機意識為主。持反對立場者,則以對健康影響疑慮為主要考量,其次為對再生水水質之疑慮,另外不願意配合使用再生水設置相關設施的主要原因為成本問題。除非處於枯水期區域自來水限水,或政府補助相關設施時,才會願意使用再生水。 根據廢水回收再利用效益評估研究顯示,其設置規模為1萬噸時,單位成本約為11.58元/m3,即已達其成本效益,而每日產水為2萬噸之設置規模,其淨效益可達12043.5萬元/年,使經濟效益最大。故本研究建議以日產2萬噸再生水為中壢工業區污水處理廠放流水再利用之最佳設置規模。


Abstract Technology plays important role to accelerate national development, economic effects and to improve the welfare of mankind. Recently, a lot manufactures have set their factories in Taoyuan County for expanding purposes. Traditional water sources are in shortage by abnormal weather changes in these years, therefore, some factors described as above, waste water recycling and water conservation concepts become important and may attract industry by gaining more benefits. The high technology of waste water treatment system is able to meet the criterion of Industrial Water Quality Standard and then contributes clean waste water pipeline network to each factory. Form this point of view, the treatment help investors cut-down cost on waste water issue also inspire more investment interest. At the same time, all of waste water resource conservation duty become more efficient to reach the goal of high recycling rate, and make advantages to environmental protection. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first one is questionnaire survey about water prosperities, intention of using waste water recycling system, processing water quality and aiming at system's upgrading plan. Another part is concerning with evaluation of benefits optimization of waste-water-recycling system in Jhongli Industrial Park. According to the survey ,we have found that more than 74% of factories under investigation agree on using waste water recycling system but 26% of it do not. Reasons of approvers are for water saving purpose and storage of water issues, while reasons of objectors have two concerns, one is worry about healthy issues, another is high cost associated with processing water quality. Both of approvers and objectors have a primary concern on cost issue. According to the result of benefit evaluation of wastewater treatment in this study, we have found that the unit cost of waste water treatment is around 11.58 NT dollars per cubic meter on 10,000 ton. With the production capacity of 20,000 ton per day, optimal benefits of 1,204,350,000 NT dollars can be obtained per year for the whole Jhongli Industrial Park. This benefit of applying waste water recycling system on cost efficiency may reach the goal that we expected.


benefit waste water recycling recycled water


