  • 學位論文


Protection and Indemnity Insurance focused on the Damage Liability for the Oil Pollution

指導教授 : 黃異


中文摘要 「阿瑪斯號油污染案」開啟了我國對於海洋油污染防治的重視,更首次對於P&I保險有了初步的認識,為能有效取得損害賠償,對於P&I保險應具有更深入的了解。因此本文目的在於對船舶防護與補償保險做深入的研究,以船舶所生油污染為研究重心,從有關P&I保險制度之運作,到P&I保險針對油污染之承保內容,以及訴訟上主張P&I保險所生之爭議,皆一併加以探討,期待能充分了解P&I保險之內涵,進而為有效之利用,取得更有利之損害賠償。 因此本論文共分三章,第一章為P&I保險制度之基本概述,完整介紹有關P&I保險的基本概念。P&I保險係由P&I協會所經營,為一責任保險,雙方當事人為要約與承諾後,即受P&I保險契約之拘束,由被保險人(即船舶所有人)負擔繳交會費之義務,而由P&I協會承擔被保險人因營運所生之風險。至於承保內容方面,P&I保險承保廣泛的責任風險,但投保P&I保險需符合其承保條件,亦受有部分原則之拘束。 第二章則進入到P&I保險有關油污染損害賠償責任的探討,包含對於油污染之定義、責任主體、範圍、限制、以及具體實現損害賠償之討論。本文深入P&I保險就油污染損害的具體承保內容,包括承保人、承保範圍以及其他相關之規定,探討其與我國法定義下之損害賠償內容間,在適用上與實際執行上,是否有相衝突之問題,並將參考國際公約以及美國法制之相關規定,進一步清楚P&I保險之內涵,以達充分了解之目的。 至於第三章即針對訴訟上主張P&I保險所生之問題來作探討,包括責任保險制度上有關第三人直接求償權的討論,及管轄法院的決定以及準據法之選擇。本文認為如要對P&I保險人為主張,除了依照我國法之規定外,還須考量到相關國家之法律。因此本文將以阿瑪斯號油污染案為例,參考環境法法理及國際法上之規定,針對第三人之直接求償權以及管轄法院與準據法之問題,具體加以探討並操作,期待能實際解決訴訟上主張P&I保險所生之問題。


Abstract “The M.V. Amorgos oil pollution event” raises our concern about marine oil pollution prevention issue, and also gets initial understanding of Protection and Indemnity Insurance. In order to obtain damage compensation effectively, we should have deep understanding of P&I insurance. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to further study prevention and compensation insurance of ships, in the light of oil pollution from ship; from P&I insurance operation, insurance agreement of oil pollution, to the dispute of P&I insurance litigation. The research is expected to thoroughly realize the content of P&I insurance, and utilize effectively to gain further damage compensation. There are three chapters in this research; Chapter one is the introduction of protection and indemnity insurance system, introducing the basic concept about P&I insurance. P&I insurance is operated by P&I association; it is liability insurance. After both litigants make an agreement and commitment, they are restricted by P&I insurance agreement; the insurant (ship owner) is responsible for paying membership fee, while P&I association assumes the risks raised by insurant’s operation. As for the content of insurance agreement, P&I insurance accept extensive risk of responsibility, nevertheless, to insure P&I insurance needs to conform with its criteria and part of restriction as well. Chapter two is about the Damage Liability for the Oil Pollution related to P&I insurance study, including the definition of oil pollution, the subject of liability, the scope of responsibility, limitation, and discussion of specific damage liability accomplishment. This research is to study P&I insurance content of the damage of oil pollution, including insurant, the scope of insurance and other regulations, to find out if there is any conflict problem on suitability and execution during damage compensation under our domestic law; moreover, referring to related regulation of international convention and American law, to get more clear understanding of P&I insurance. As for Chapter three, to discuss the dispute of P&I insurance litigation, including liability insurance about the direct compensation right from third party, and the decision of district court and the selection of applicable law. In addition to obey our domestic law, it still needs to consider related countries’ law to stand for P&I insurant. Therefore, this research is going to take the M.V. Amorgos oil pollution event as an example, referring to environment law and international law, we’d like to probe and operate concrete solution of the dispute of P&I insurance litigation based on the problem of the direct compensation right and district court and the selection of applicable law for third party.


