  • 學位論文


Using Co-teaching in Physical and Health Education of Elementary Inclusive Classes with Children with Autism - An Action Research

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


本研究旨以行動研究,探究榮安國小一年級,兩個安置自閉症學生的融合班級,資源班教師與普通班教師在健康與體育課程所進行之合作教學歷程,以及合作教學對融合班師生及特殊教師的影響。研究期間,以訪談錄音、觀察日誌、省思札記及回饋問卷等多元的方式蒐集資料。經過歸納、分析及整理後,獲得以下結論: 在合作教學進行前,特殊教師應先探知合作夥伴的個人教學風格,並提供書面資料做好前置作業;在討論教學計畫前應先行備課,討論時應保持開放的心態;初次與普通教師進行合作教學,宜以較少的合作教學時間進行之,且宜從普通教師授課習慣改變最少的方式開始,順應普通教師既有的習慣進行活動,在活動中加入的人際互動活動設計,如隊呼、擊掌等,可促進班級活動氣氛。特殊教師在合作歷程中是一種提醒的角色,強調自閉症學生的優勢能力,透過身體力行的示範及口頭提醒,及其他特教教學策略如:社會故事、工作分析法配合口訣,多鼓勵讚美,協助特殊需求學生在融合班級達到成功學習的經驗。合作初期可採行一人講解、一人示範此種最簡單基本的團隊教學,而危險性較高的活動或場域需求較大的活動適用平行教學,分站教學最適合闖關遊戲及施測時進行。合作教學中提供人際互動活動設計的策略建議,將更有助於提升合作教學的助益。 研究結果顯示,普通教師及特教教師的合作教學可落實融合教育,支持自閉症學生適應融合班級,但對參與者也是一項挑戰。研究建議普通教育相關人員與特殊教師互相合作逐步推動,合作教學型態以循序漸進的方式進行合作教學,並建議未來欲進行相關研究者能以更務實的進行實徵性的研究,或擴大研究領域,更深入更全面性的探究,以為推動融合教育之基石。


The purpose of this study is to utilize the action research method to study the special educational teachers and general educational teachers’ co-teaching progress in the Physical and Health Education for autism students at two inclusive first-grade classes in Rong An elementary school. Diverse methods were used to collect research data such as interview, observation record, reflection notes and feedback questionnaire. After organizing and analyzing data we sum up the results and find the following conclusion: Before co- teaching begins, the special educational teacher should find out the partner's personal teaching style, and offer the materials about the know-how of co-teaching. The special educational teacher should prepare the teaching material in advance, before he discusses with the general educational teacher about the on-going teaching plan. He should always keep his mind open while discussing the co-teaching plan. At the first stage of co-teaching, it should carry on with minimum time investment and teaching alternation from the side of the general educational teachers through using the usual teaching style and routine activities of the class. Joining the interpersonal interaction activities, like group howl and hand claps, to Physical and Health Education would promote learning atmosphere, students' cooperation and group honor. The special educational teacher takes the role of reminder in the co-teaching process. She emphasizes the autistic students' advantage abilities. She sets an example by personal modeling and oral reminding, how the autistic children can be successfully supported through didactic methods used in special education, for instance: Social story, Job Analysis, phrases, praise and more. At the beginning phase of co-teaching, it suggests to starts with the simplest model of team teaching, one explains and one demonstrates. The parallel teaching can be used in the case, when dangerous activities are planned or large place is needed. The station teaching is most suitable for test and series games, which challenge endurance. Providing the tactics of interpersonal interaction in co-teaching will benefit co-teaching even more. Through the results of this research, it seems that co-teaching can implement inclusive education, and support autism students to adapt to the inclusive class. But it is a challenge for all of them, too. The results imply that the challenge can be overcome through the mutual and progressive cooperation of the general and special educational teachers. For the future research it suggests empirical researches should be done, which are more pragmatic and practice-oriented. Or the research field should expand to a more in-depth and comprehensive level. Then we can hope that the inclusion can be promoted on the basis of solid research findings.




