  • 學位論文


The study of virtual reality training system for effect of human performance

指導教授 : 周永燦


由於近年來電腦影像處理科技進步快速,連帶的虛擬實境技術也蓬勃發展,相關的應用也越趨廣泛,其中也包括應用在教育訓練。在教育訓練這塊領域上,虛擬實境技術的出現帶來了相當的助益,目前已有相當數量的研究應用虛擬實境技術在教育訓練上,包括像產品的設計與保養維修方面。本研究所探討的重點放在虛擬實境輔助組裝作業教學訓練上。 傳統的教育訓練中,除了師徒制外,大多是以紙本書面或者教學影片的方式來進行教育,近年來虛擬實境技術也可應用在教學訓練上,但和過去所使用的訓練方式比較起來,虛擬實境技術在一般組裝作業中所能給予的教學訓練成果是否更具效率,是值得深入去探討的,因此本研究建構出一個互動式虛擬實境教學訓練介面,將其與不同的教學呈現方式相互進行實驗,分別是:(1)紙本書面式教學;(2)影片式教學;(3)虛擬實境式教學。讓受試者使用過三種的教學訓練方式學習後,實際進行組裝作業,進而比較影響人員績效之程度。 本研究結果顯示,虛擬實境教學訓練介面對於人員進行組裝作業訓練時的正確率有顯著影響,使用虛擬實境教學訓練介面可幫助人員在於組裝作業的作業績效上有正向的助益。


In recent years the computer image processing rapid scientific and technological progress, the associated virtual reality technology is also booming, and related applications have become increasingly widespread, including applications in education and training. Education and training in this field, virtual reality technology brought about the emergence of a considerable help, there are quite a number of research and application of virtual reality technology in education and training, including as product design and maintenance aspects. This study focused on virtual reality-assisted teaching and training on the assembly operations. The traditional education and training, in addition to apprenticeship, most are written or video teaching approach to education. The purpose of this study explored is that virtual reality technology in the general assembly operations, can give to the effect of teaching and training than the traditional training method more efficient. So this study to construct an interactive virtual reality teaching and training interface, with its traditional teaching methods with each other experiments, comparison of its staff were affected the level of achievement, including: (1) a written instruction; (2) videos of teaching, (3) virtual reality Teaching. The results of this study show that virtual reality training system for staff training in assembly operations at the correct rate is significantly affected, the use of virtual reality training system to help staff the operating performance of the assembly operations are being helped.


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