  • 學位論文


The Research on the Development of Tobacco Leaf Industrial Facility under Tobacco Monopoly in Taiwan during Japanese Colonial Period

指導教授 : 黃俊銘 堀込憲二


本研究為臺灣近代煙草產業史結合建築史導向性研究的一環。1905(明治38)年臺灣煙草專賣規則之實施,為日治時期殖民地政府獲取財政來源的獨特象徵,戰後國民政府接收日人資產與事業規模,重新調整業務向上發展,奠基戰後初期,穩定臺灣民生經濟之基礎。臺灣煙草產業設施已具百年發展規模,鑑於2002(民國91)年臺灣省菸酒公賣局改制為「臺灣菸酒公司」,隨著國家政策與提升世界經貿競爭力,國營事業單位逐漸民營化,相關資產面臨減資,包括:國有土地騰空繳回、產業設施閒置拆除、設備機具拍賣、檔案及文物銷毀等危機,遂使本土化煙草國營事業走入歷史。本研究特此重視原料葉煙草產業設施本質建構因果關係,釐清臺灣煙草產業設施構成價值,爬梳探究日治時期殖民地政府,在臺灣所實施煙草專賣制度有關葉煙草產業設施發展,作一全面性論述研究。整體性歸納解析,殖民地政府如何藉由設施技術,扶植臺灣煙草栽培邁向近代化之變革。葉煙草泛指製煙前原物料,諸如:試驗研發、耕作指導、栽培生產與等級鑑定,所衍生出煙草耕作試驗研究栽培設施群、煙草耕作者栽培與乾燥設施群、葉煙草收納設施群等三大類及相關附屬設施,從中加以著墨分析葉煙草產業規劃原因、產業設施構築技術與產業功能等面向,藉此瞭解日治時期臺灣葉煙草產業設施所代表的時代意涵,以及當下在文化資產之價值。本研究各章節內容如下: 第一章 緒論 研究動機、目的、研究對象、範圍、相關研究、參考文獻評述、研究方法、研究流程 第二章 臺灣煙草專賣產業設施形成的背景 主要論述煙草文化與煙草產業如何在臺灣扎根發展,日治時期殖民政府如何藉由殖產興業政策,邁向煙草專賣企業化過程之建構。 第三章 臺灣煙草栽培暨研究事業的近代化 原料葉煙草在煙草專賣制度下,如何藉由殖民地煙草栽培技術與植煙政策,扶植臺灣三大煙草品係產業設施近代化,亦即支那種煙草產業設施的改良革新、葉卷種與番產煙草產業設施的扶植、黃色種煙草產業設施的興業等三面向整體論述。從中深入研究殖民地政府,在煙草耕作、試驗研究、地方栽培等相關設施之發展,以及產業建築特色分析。 第四章 臺灣葉煙草收納暨產業設施的近代化 臺灣總督府專賣局輔導煙草耕作者公辦生產製煙原料,從煙草種植、收穫、初薰、醱酵、調理、分級、紮把、包裝等工序後,將俗稱「青煙」原料,依年度府令公告時間與地點辦理收購。本島原料葉煙草收納工作為進入製煙工業前的第一關卡,本章探討殖民地政府如何在臺灣實行葉煙草等級鑑定收納作業,從中分析葉煙草收納場的變遷與產業設施特色。 第五章 結論 針對本研究論述,歸納總結與探討,包含:臺灣煙草產業邁入經濟實體化過程、臺灣煙草吸食文化的改變與消費文化差異、臺灣煙草專賣制度在殖產統治之影響、煙草品係與收納需求影響葉煙草產業設施構成、葉煙草技術的引進與變遷、原料葉煙草文化資產保存概念之建議等等,以及後續研究與相關討論。


葉煙草 產業設施 建築 文化 煙草 專賣 臺灣 殖民地政府 日治時期


This research is a fundamental study of the combination of modern Taiwanese tobacco industry with history of architecture. In 1905 (Meiji YR. 38) the colonial government promulgated the regulations on tobacco monopoly which became a special colonial characteristic to achieve financial stability. After the Second War World, Kuomintang (KMT) party acquired control of Taiwan from Japan and at the same time took over all the assets and businesses with a better development by making necessary adjustments, which built a solid foundation of a stabilized economy in the postwar years. With more than 100 years’ history in the tobacco industrial facility and culture in Taiwan, the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau was restructured to Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation in 2002. According to the national policies and in order to increase global trading competitiveness, the state-operated business were gradually released to be run by private sectors which caused the return of state-owned lands, the dismantling of idle industrial facility, the auction of equipments, the destruction of files and relics and finally the end of the state-run tobacco business. This research focuses on the facility development of tobacco leaf industry by shedding light to its value and epochal significance as well as the tobacco monopoly in Taiwan under Japanese colonial period. The overall induction and analysis reveal how the colonial government helped Taiwanese tobacco leaf industry go through modern reform. Tobacco leaf refers to the raw material used to make tobacco. Based on the materials, testing, cultivation and classification, the facility is divided into 3 groups; test/research/cultivation, cultivation/aridity and purchase warehouses. With a thorough analysis of the scheme, the technique in the facility architecture and the industrial function, this study contributes to a greater understanding of the meaning and value in the tobacco leaf industrial facility during Japanese colonial period. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview The motive, purpose, object and field of research, related study, references, research approach and procedure. Chapter 2: Background of the establishment of the industrial facility for the tobacco monopoly in Taiwan How tobacco culture and industry took root in Taiwan. How the colonial government established the tobacco industry and forged a monopoly during Japanese colonial period. Chapter 3: Modernization of special institution designated by the colonial government to guide the tobacco farming, cultivation, research and improvement of tobacco varieties and tobacco leaves in Taiwan. Under the monopoly of tobacco materials, how the industrial facility of the 3 types of tobacco was modernized by means of cultivation techniques and policy, that is, how the facility for Chinese species, foreign species and yellow species tobacco was reformed. Moreover, how the colonial government developed the tobacco industrial facility and what were the characteristics of the building. Chapter 4: Modernization of tobacco purchase warehouses and industrial facility in Taiwan. The colonial government purchased the tobacco leaf from farmers at specific purchase warehouses according to purchase regulations, procedures and classification stipulated by the monopoly law. The Monopoly Bureau of Taiwan Government House assisted the tobacco cultivators with the planting, pre-smoking, fermentation, processing, grading, binding, packing and selling at a specific time and place stipulated by the authorities. The tobacco warehousing was the first step of the manufacture. This chapter discusses how the colonial government implemented purchase warehouse operations and what were the transition of warehouses and the characteristic of the industrial facility. Chapter 5: Conclusions of the Research This research concludes the process of the economical development of Taiwanese tobacco industry in Japanese colonial period, the impact of tobacco monopoly to the colonial ruling, the influence of warehousing to the industry facilities, the suggestion of preserving the value of tobacco industrial facility and cultural assets, the follow-up researches and related discussions.


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115. 周凱,〈風俗記〉《廈門志》,臺灣文獻叢刊95,臺北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室,年代不詳。
117. 黃淑璥,《臺海使槎錄》,臺灣文獻叢刊4,臺北市:臺灣銀行經濟研究室編輯,1957年。
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