  • 學位論文

Mobile RFID雙向認證及所有權轉移

Mobile RFID Mutual Authentication and Ownership Transfer

指導教授 : 楊明豪 羅嘉寧


RFID被廣泛運用在製造業、供應鏈管理、存貨控制等各方面,最近幾年為了增加讀取電子標籤的便利性,透過RFID讀取晶片和行動通訊裝置的結合,發展出移動式讀取器,但也因為電子標籤資源有限,資料傳輸時是未加密的,加上讀取器可能為未授權之讀取器,使得有此裝置的人都可能隨意讀取其他人電子標籤上的資料,造成使用者及資料隱私受到威脅。因此我們設計一個可以應用在Mobile RFID架構下,資料庫可過濾非授權讀取器讀取電子標籤,且當讀取器及電子標籤進行雙向認證之後,資料庫會根據電子標籤允許讀取器層級能執行的動作,將讀取器所要求的電子標籤相關資料傳送給讀取器,除此之外,也可以透過變更電子標籤的金鑰,達到所有權轉移的目的,其中讀取器和電子標籤透過金鑰雜湊函數運算,確保電子標籤與讀取器雙向認證及所有權轉移安全,並避免重送攻擊、防止資料不同步的阻絕服務攻擊、防範竄改訊息的中間人攻擊、防護標籤資料與位置的隱私,防止攻擊者可以追蹤標籤位置或標籤所有權轉移的歷史。


RFID had been widely used in manufacturing, supply chain, inventory control and other areas. Lately, in order to increase the convenience of tags, we had developed mobile readers through the combination of RFID reader chip and the mobile devices. But also, there was some limitation about tags. EX: data transmission between tag and reader is unencrypted; readers may not authorize to read. Therefore, people who have installed this device may have read other people’s massage on the tags. It means the privacy of users might be under threat. For those reasons, we map out a protocol under Mobile RFID. When tags need to be read, it has to get though mutual authentication. After that, database will take action base on the Role Class of the tags, and deliver the related massages to the reader. In addition, we can also change the secret key of the tags in order to achieve the purpose of transfer ownership. This scheme could resist replay attack and provide data privacy, location privacy, and ownership transfer.


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