  • 學位論文


The Research and Design of Implantable Glucose Readout Circuit and Analog to Digital Converter

指導教授 : 鍾文耀


本研究主題在於設計植入式感測系統所需的電路,除了電路精確度之外,同時也必須考量低功率與低晶片佈局面積的目標。在血糖訊號讀出電路方面,以本研究室過去之研究成果為基礎,實現一低輸入阻抗、高精確度且抗雜訊能力高的血糖訊號讀出電路。此外,本論文提出適合植入式系統的電流訊號放大電路、電流式數位至類比轉換器與電流式類比至數位轉換器。訊號放大電路之訊號放大倍率,設計由電路的被動元件所決定,以減少製程變異的影響,可準確地將電流訊號由大約70nA的訊號範圍放大到1.8mA;而電流式數位至類比轉換器採用Binary Weighted架構,解析度為12位元;電流式類比至數位轉換器之解析度為Successive Approximation Register架構,解析度也是十二位元。在本論文中,電路與晶片以TSMC 0.35um 2P4M Mixed-Signal Polycide 3.3/5V的製程進行設計,使用HSPICE進行電路模擬,並利用Laker和Calibre DRC/LVS/xRC進行晶片佈局、驗證以及寄生參數萃取。


The topic of this research is the circuit design for implantable sensing system. Besides the accuracy, we should consider the power dissipation and the chip area. The glucose readout circuit is based on the past research result. At the glucose readout circuit, we realize a circuit which is low impedance, high accuracy and have a good ability to resist the noise. In addition, we present a current amplifier, a current mode digital to analog converter and a current mode analog to digital converter for the implantable system. The magnification of the current amplifier was designed to be controlled by the passive element. That can reduce the effect of process variation. The current amplifier expends the range of input signal from 70nA to 1.8mA. The architecture of current mode digital to analog converter is binary weighted with 12-bit resolution. The current mode analog to digital converter is using the successive approximation register structure. The resolution of analog to digital converter is also 12-bit. In this thesis, we design the circuit and chip by using TSMC 0.35um 2P4M Mixed-Signal Polycide 3.3/5V process. We use HSPICE to simulate the circuit and use the Laker, Calibre DRC/LVS/xRC for chip layout, calibration, and extraction of the parasitic parameter.


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