  • 學位論文


Evaluation of License Model for Digital Archives— National Palace Museum Arts as Case Study

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


隨著國家的發展程度愈高,人民對物質性商品的需求會逐漸減少,對於體驗性商品的需求增加,因此,生活不再只是追求生理的溫飽,心靈的富足與否更是現代人汲汲追求的,因而藝術及文化的薰陶變成生活當中不可或缺的精神食糧。 近年來,故宮積極推動數位典藏於加值應用的發展,與許多廠商合作推出各種文化商品。而故宮博物院所蘊藏的文化價值高,文物極具獨特性,故其文化商品深具消費者喜愛,也透過藝術授權(Art Licensing),創造出附加價值高的文化經濟,衍生商品並創造利潤。本研究基於故宮數位典藏的商業應用發展,思索如何透過藝術授權提升廠商「美的競爭力」,以期創造出高附加價值「美的營收」。 本研究以和故宮合作的廠商為研究對象,並利用模糊積分計算故宮三種授權方案在構面的權重值及整體績效表現,作為日後企業及典藏單位於藝術授權評估之參考架構。 經實證結果發現,品牌授權及圖像授權群組,皆認為市場環境構面是授權模式評選的首要考量。且在市場環境構面下,最重要的準則為「智慧財產權的保護」。因此,在品牌授權及圖像授權群組下,市場環境構面是關鍵構面,而智慧財產權的保護是重要的準則,若能改善此項準則,將會提昇企業對故宮品牌及圖像授權方案的績效表現。而在委託產製群組中,認為產品加值構面最為重要,且在產品加值構面下,最重要的準則為「產品引領風潮的能力」。 本研究結果顯示,各群組皆認為採行品牌授權模式,可得到較佳的綜合績效值。因為透過品牌授權的方式,同時掛上故宮及公司品牌,可以增加公司品牌的能見度,因此和研究結果顯示一致,品牌授權得到較佳的績效值。


As the development of one nation getting more mature, people whose demand for material merchandise would gradually decrease, and would increase their demand for experiential merchandise. Therefore, life is not only the pursuit of biological needs, but also the rich in interior sufficient, the edification of arts and cultures are the indispensable nourishment for the mind. In recent years, National Palace Museum (NPM) aggressively has advanced the development of value-added application in digital archives, and corporate with many enterprises to issue each kind of cultural commodities which have a brisk sale due to its cultural value and uniqueness. Through art licensing, high values-added cultural economic comes into being and derivative commodities brings profits. This study is on the base of the business application and development in digital archives, which focus on how to improve the “competitiveness of art” to create high value-added “profits of art”. This study utilizes the enterprises which the NPM cooperates with as observations, and adopts fuzzy integral to calculate the dimensional weighted value and total performance of three licensing model. People may refer to this study while they are tend to evaluate the art licensing. The empirical results show that both the group of brand licensing and copyright licensing identify that the dimension of market environment is the most important. In the market environment dimension, the most important criteria are the protection of intellectual property rights. If people could improve this criterion, enterprises will raise their performance for the licensing model of NPM. Therefore, under the group of brand licensing and copyright licensing, in the market environment dimension is the key dimension, and the protection of intellectual property rights is important criterion; In additions, when it comes to the group of authorized production, the dimension of product value-added is the most important and identifies “the capability of leading fashion” is the most important criterion. The results also show that all groups identify that the adoption of brand licensing can result in better integrated performance; due to the brand licensing of NPM, the company’s brand awareness can be promoted, which is consistent with this study. Brand licensing gets better performance.


