  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Customer Return Intention of University Extension Education-A Case Study of C University

指導教授 : 李正文


在知識快速交替的時代背景下,各先進國家無不大力推展並強調終身學習的重要,另外,社會人口結構少子化與老年化的改變及教育部種種政策推動下,各大學逐漸重視推廣教育,民眾也對於大學所提供的推廣教育服務更為需要。 而在高等教育擴張的情況下,使得推廣教育市場也相對競爭,各大學推廣教育為了能脫穎而出,除了要思考如何有效運用以往僅在企業所見的行銷策略,以及如何塑造良好的品牌形象,藉此提昇顧客的再購的意願,也是本研究的重點。 因此,為探討大學推廣教育之行銷策略、品牌形象與顧客再購意願關係,本研究以問卷調查的實證研究方式,以McCarthy(1960)提出的行銷4P理論與Gray(1991)認為最適用教育行銷組合的師資及人員策略來衡量行銷策略;品牌形象則以Park(1986)提出的象徵性、經驗性及功能性三層面來衡量;以Oliver(1997)所提出的重覆購買及推薦他人來衡量顧客再購意願,並根據文獻,設計本研究之問卷。針對C大學推廣教育中心自辦類非學分班課程之學習者為問卷發放對象,抽樣方式採便利抽樣。共發放問卷892份,回收問卷共568份,回收率為63.7%,有效回收樣本452份,有效回收率為50.7%。以SPSS統計軟體進行分析,經由敘述統計分析、典型相關分析、變異數分析及逐步迴歸分析等統計方法驗證行銷策略、品牌形象與顧客再購意願關係之間是否互有影響及影響程度。 從實證分析結果,得到以下結論: 1.行銷策略與品牌形象有顯著相關,並以師資及行政人員策略與產品策略對於品牌形象較具影響力。 2.品牌形象與顧客再購意願有顯著相關,並以品牌形象之象徵性利益對於重購推薦最具影響力。 3.行銷策略與顧客再購意願有顯著相關,並以師資及人員策略與產品策略對於重購推薦具有較大影響力。 故大學推廣教育機構若想藉由行銷策略及品牌形象的塑造,來吸引學習者再次回到機構進修,將必需針對授課師資、行政服務人員、課程設計與多元化等方面加強,以塑造出優良的品牌形象,加上利用不同促銷策略提昇行銷策略的功效,如此才能在越來越競爭的大學推廣教育市場中,創造出獨有的競爭優勢。


A great quantity of knowledge that human beings need to know grow fast as the technological development nowadays. All developed countries make effort to the importance of lifelong education. Besides, as emphasize the low birth rate and population aging, a result of Ministry of Education the policy let all the focus on the needs of Taiwan’s extension education. The needs of ordinary people for promotes to extension education in the university. However, the expansion of higher education makes the market of the extension education more increase too. To obtain more advantages in the market of the extension education, all universities competitive have to establish good marketing strategy and brand image to enhance the customer repurchase intention, and this is the focus of this study. This research uses the empirical study to investigate the correlations of the marketing strategy; brand image and customer repurchase intention in university extension education. The theory of McCarthy’s 4p and Gray’s Personnel strategy are used as the factors to evaluate the marketing strategy. In terms of the brand image, it is measured by the symbolic benefits, experiential benefits, and the functional benefits proposed by Park in 1986. Moreover, the view of point of the repeating purchases and recommending to other customers proposed by Oliver in 1997 is utilized as the factors to evaluate the customer repurchase intention. The questionnaire is conducted by the customers of Center for Continuing Education at C University with random sampling. The questionnaire issues 892 copies totally, returns with 568 copies, return 63.7% return rate. The valid return with 452 copies, valid return rate is 50.7%. The statistic software of SPSS is employed to inquire into intention the relationship of the marketing strategy, brand image and the customer repurchase through the canonical analysis, One-Way ANOVA and the regression analysis etc. The results are: 1.Marketing strategy has significant correlation on the brand image. Personnel strategy and Product strategy are the most significant factors that affect the brand image. 2.Brand image has significant correlation on the customer repurchase. The symbolic benefit of the brand image is the most significant factor affecting the repurchase and the recommendation of customers. 3.Marketing strategy has significant correlation on the customer repurchase intension. The personnel strategy and product strategy are the most significant factors that affect the repurchase and the recommendation of customers. The conclusions show that in the point of view of marketing strategy and brand image, by focusing on the quality of the teacher, administrative personnel, curriculum design and diversity of the products, the extension education organization in the university can get more advantages. These help to make the good brand image combined with the use of various promotion strategies that can further increase the achievement of the marketing strategy. Based on the findings, the extension education in the university can create the advantages in the highly competitive market.




