  • 學位論文

協同教學在國小自然與生活科技之 行動研究

An Action Research of Team Teaching upon the Elementary Science and Technology

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究主要目的在探討協同教學應用於國小六年級自然與生活科技領域的實施現況,並研究此教學模式對教師學科教學知能的影響,以及實施困境與解決策略。本研究採行動研究法,針對桃園縣某ㄧ所國小六年級一個班級的三十四位學生為研究對象,進行為期一個學期,四個單元的教學研究,資料來源包括協同會議紀錄、晤談、教學錄影、錄音及教師觀察札記等。研究結果發現: ㄧ、協同教學中教師間與師生間實施過程:協同教學是一個team在教學,讓教師 直接感受教學現場的衝擊,不只改變教師教學方式,教學理念無形中產生變 化;協同教學提供學生即時的協助、不同角度的解說、培養學生多元的觀點 以及提升學生學習的興趣,並使學生學習氣氛熱絡,主動參與及發表想法。 二、協同教學對於教師PCK的影響:協同教學增加教師學科知識的廣度與深度; 有助於協同教師對學生特定單元的學習知識的了解與迷思概念澄清;令教師 更加善用表徵方式;落實多元評量,因此協同教學能提昇教師學科教學知能。 三、協同教學的實施困境與解決方式:實施協同教學的歷程中所遭遇之困境,經 過協同團隊持續性的討論、反思與修正教學策略後,均獲得解決。 研究者透過本行動研究不但提昇教師學科教學知能,也累積了協同教學應用於自然教學的寶貴經驗。本研究可供後續實施協同教學於自然與生活科技領域之教學者參考,以進行其他相關之研究。


The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of applying co-teaching strategy in Nature and Science course to sixth graders. In addition, to study the influence caused by this teaching method reflected on teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge(PCK), as well as the difficulties encountered while application of co-teaching in the classroom and the strategies used by teachers as solution. The study adopts action study methodology on a group of 34 sixth graders in an elementary school located in Taoyuan County. The study lasts for a semester covering four teaching units. The resources of data include co-teaching meeting notes, interview, teaching clip, recordings and the notes from teacher’s observation journal. The followings are the findings from this study: 1. From the process of intra-teachers and intra-teacher-and-student interaction, co-teaching is a whole-team teaching approach. The teacher can experience the atmosphere from direct interaction. Not only did change the way the teacher teach, but also form the philosophy of teaching. Co-teaching provides students instant help; supply explanations from different point of views; cultivate students’ point of views and promote student’s interest for learning. Co-teaching activates the atmospheres for learning, students’ participation and liberal expression in class. 2. Co-teaching increases the teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge of the subject both in the depth and extent aspects. It helps teachers understand their students’ learning condition of specific unit and the clarification of ambiguous concepts. It encourages teacher to take advantage of teaching representations and strategies , multiple dimension’ evaluation, therefore, co-teaching promotes teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge. 3. The difficulties encountered during the period of co-teaching application, the solution appears through continuous discussion, retrospection, and correction of teaching strategies. Through this action study methodology, the researcher not only did increase the pedagogical content knowledge of teaching subjects , but accumulated the experience of co-teaching application in science courses. Teachers who would like to apply co-teaching in the field of Nature and Science in the future can refer this study to other relevant research




