  • 學位論文


The Strategy of New Star-Up Electronic Connector Company–A Case Study

指導教授 : 王如鈺


電子連接器生產技術從1975年發展至今(2007)技術上進步已取得市場競爭優勢。在中國大陸市場需求的增加與當地業者的崛起下,臺灣業者正面臨著本地與外來競爭的雙重壓力。本研究期望能透過個案研究之方式對本產業及個案公司進行完整的探討,以了解目前所實質面臨的困境與挑戰,如何運用競爭策略的本質來為本產業發掘機會與延續優勢。 企業創業早期皆以單一事業為主,當單一事業穩健成長後企業漸可能轉向為多角化繼續發展。故本研究以單一事業策略為研究主軸,且以續時性分階段針對經營策略加以探討,主要目的在探討電子連接器成熟產業中,以S個案公司為例新創公司的經營策略。 對個案公司的深入訪談及探討之後,本研究認為下列幾點值得提供給個案公司及規模相當的同業新創公司作為參考。 一、對個案公司的建議 (一) 運用交叉持股垂直整合 (二) 提升量產技術能力和產品品質 (三) 開發利基型產品 (四) 改善存貨週轉率 二、對同業新創公司的建議 (一)瞭解企業擁有之核心競爭力與同業相比是否有相對優勢 (二)核心量產技術能力是否能掌握擁有 (三)客戶之選擇上宜門當戶對 (四)掌握趨勢審慎運用有限資源


經營策略 連接器 新創公司


Since year 1975, the production technology of electronic connector has been developed and the superiority of it’s aggressively improvement in technology over years to year 2007 has widely recognized and accepted in this growing competitive market. With fast growing in number of local manufacturing companies in this booming marketing in mainland China, Taiwan manufacturers are facing pressures from internal and external competition. This research tries to understand the difficulties and challenges that this industry is facing now by in-depth case-study analysis of selected company furthermore investigating how a company to position itself by identifying the niche point, how to strategize in business opportunity development and how to continuously retain its superiority in endless competition. Single business focus is commonly seen in start-up stage of a company but gradually turning or even transforming into diversity in business development when maturity or stability of started-up business is reached. Hence, single business operation strategy is the main axis of this research based on S company case, a start-up company, stepwise studies in strategy by phases are discussed how a star-up company in a mature industry like electron connector run its business in later stable stage. After deep interview and discussion with case-study Company, several findings are highlighted in this research to case-study Company for further consideration and as a reference for other start-up companies in same or similar size. First, suggestion to case-study Company (1) Synergy by joint venture and team-up to enlarge the business, profit and customer base. (2) Enhance capability and capacity in mass production and the product quality. (3) Product niche in the market. (4)Improve goods in stock cycling rate. Secondly, suggestion to new star-up company (1) Understanding of whether and how much the relative superiority your company has in the core competitiveness in the industry (2) Be aware of whether capability in mass productivity can be in-house secured (3) Customer selection carefully (4) Keep alert in market trend and cautious in limited resources


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