  • 學位論文


A study on Financial Holding Company Operating Strategy and Business Performance

指導教授 : 顧志遠


立法院於2001年7月通過「金融控股公司法」後,開啟了我國金融機構跨業經營的新紀元,也帶動了我國金融機構購併整合的大熱潮,至2004年三年間台灣陸續成立了14家金控公司,然而在三年的發展後,金管會於2004年12月8日金管會公佈評估我國金控公司績效之七大指標為:股東權益報酬率、資產報酬率、資本適足率、廣義逾放比、覆蓋率、營業成本率、市佔率等七項。金控公司的經營績效評估才正式有其檢驗項目與標準。 本論文在檢驗金管會所公佈之經營績效指標是否適用於不同的群組的金融控股公司。在經由相關文獻探討及實證研究,將經營規模策略以子公司數、分支機構數、市佔率等三項,作為投入變數,企業資源策略以總資產、員工數、商譽、員工平均獲利額等四項,作為投入變數,核心競爭力策略以核心收益業務、集團擴張度兩項作為投入變數,依據主管機關及公信單位及研究對象之「次級資料」加以彙整,運用集群分析及無母數變異數分析,得到下列實證結果: 1.研究發現各金控公司的經營策略確實存在不同之策略群組,分別命名為大型規模化金控、中型多元化金控、小型專業化金控。 2.不同策略群組間,其策略變數有顯著的差異。 3.不同策略群組間,分支機構數、市佔率、總資產、員工數、商譽、集團擴張度等策略變數有顯著的差異。 4.不同經營群組間,股東權益、營業成本率有顯著的差異。


Abstracts Legislative Yuan in July 2001 through the "Financial Holding Company Law," after the opening of Taiwan’s financial institutions to a new era of cross-industry operators, but also led Taiwan’s financial institutions to integrate the major acquisitions boom, 2004 to three years in Taiwan have set up The 14 financial holding companies, but after three years of development, the Commission on December 8, 2004 will be announced assessment of the financial holding company of Taiwan’s seven major indicators of performance: return on equity, return on assets, capital An adequate rate, generalized had overdue loan ratios, coverage, cost of sales, market share, etc. 7. Financial holding company's operating performance evaluation before the official test items and have their standards. This paper in the examination of the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) announced operating performance indicators applicable to a different group of financial holding companies. In the literature through the study and empirical research, will be operating subsidiary of strategies to scale the number of branches, market share, three facters as input variables, enterprise resource strategies to total assets, employees, goodwill, employees average profit,four facters as input variables, the core competitiveness of the strategy to core business earnings, the Group network integration of the two variables as inputs, according to the competent authority and credibility units and the subjects of "secondary data" to the whole, the use of cluster Analysis and nonparametric method(ANOVA), empirical results are the following: 1. SKFH study found that the company's business strategy there are indeed different strategy group, were named as the financial holding large-scale and medium-sized diversified financial holding, small specialized financial holding. 2. Different strategy group, its strategy variables were significantly different. 3. Different strategy group, the number of branches, market share, total assets, employees, goodwill, the Group network integration strategy, and other variables were significantly different. 4. Different business groups, rights and interests of shareholders, with operating costs of a significant difference.


石淼 (2004),「台灣地區金融控股公司經營規模、業務整合度與經營績效關係之研究」,中原大學企業管理學系碩士論文。


