  • 學位論文


Business Process Reengineer of Project Organization Management Strategy Research

指導教授 : 顧志遠


中 文 摘 要 專案式組織就理論上而言,不但有利於企業組織保存及發展核心技術更使企業具有彈性應變的功能,是現今一個理想的企業組織型態,過去雖有許多相關專案理論研究,但絕大部份是以功能式或平衡式矩陣組織為研究對象。但仍有絕大多數公司採用傳統式的功能式矩陣組織。假若企業為追求改善作業流程或者共同開發新產品/新技術時,其運作模式也將與一般功能式及矩陣式組織管理模式相同,也因而進一步引發了文本研究的動機。 本研究採用個案分析之定質的探索性研究,包含:相關文獻的整理探討、個案訪談與專案理論分析比較、最後歸納為「專案組織管理策略研究」。本研究得到以下結論:一個企業在實施專案式管理組織時,必須具備下列條件: 一、 公司內部高階主管對於專案的支持與宣示: 高階主管應明確宣示專案計畫對公司的重要性,並且充分授權支持專案經理人,以及要求其他部門單位提供配合。 二、 充分的資源配合及執行利用: 包含要使專案能夠達成目標時所需的人力資源、技術、經費及時間,而且要為專案預留應變彈性及做好風險的應對。 三、 合適的專案經理人: 充分的專案處理能力、獲得上司信任、部門主管及專案團隊成員配合努力的溝通能力及領導能力特別重要。 四、 具備明確的目標: 專案目標要能滿足專案團隊成員工作成就感,激發其動機。專案目標清晰明確,此舉也可避免在專案終結或成果驗收時發生無謂的困擾。 對於專案執行方式本文也有三點建議: 一、 採用目標管理: 專案在執行期間授權由專案經理人督導所屬完成預定計畫,不同專案計畫主持人則專注於專案目標完成之品質、時程及所需經費。不僅可減少內、外部衝突之發生,計畫主持人也不必花太多時間在內部管理上,反而可以與客戶或其他利害關係人產生更密切的互動關係,有助於企業組織所追求目標與成效之達成。 二、 有效的利用專案資訊系統: 有效的專案資訊系統使用除可提供書面的資料,掌控專案進度,並可確保專案品質及增進專案團隊成員間對專案的了解。更可歸納整理提供有效的歷史資料,以供日後其它專案參考。 三、 塑造專案團隊: 專案團隊成員若能融合在專案目標下,形成建立一個專案團隊共同文化,建立彼此共識、減少衝突,能使專案工作更易於執行。最終追求專案經理人不需要組織正式賦予的指揮權也能使專案團隊成員為達成目標積極努力。


ABSTRACT In terms of theoretical meaning, the project organization is not only beneficial to preserve and develop the core technologies of ambition, is but also equipped with flexible functions. This is an model research and development organization. Though there are many relevant studies in this respect previously with fuction or balanced matrix organization as research target, yet many companies adopt the functional matrix organization. Besides the research alliance is formed among enterprises in together developing new process/new technique which operational model will be the same as management model of functional matrix organization. As a result this initiates the research motive. This research assume the experimental research of case analysis including the project theory compilation and study of pertinent literatures as well as case interview, analysis and comparison, finally presume“The Key Successful Factors of Project Strategy Management Research in the Project Management Organization”. The following conclusions are obtained by this research: An enterprise implements the project research and development of functional matrix organization and must be equipped with the following conditions: 1. The high ranking supervisors support and manifest toward project: the supervisor should clearly manifest the project importance, authorize and support the project leader as well as request the coordination of functional departments. 2. Sufficient Resource: It includes the required professional personnel, technology, budget and time to complete the project, meanwhile the flexibility for counteraction has to be prepared. 3. Appropriate Project Leader: The leader has to be equipped with professional capability, trust from supervisor, especially communication ability and leadership to acquire the coordination of functional chief and project members. 4. Attractive and Definite Object: The project object has to satisfy the sense of achievement of project members, inspire their motives, while the definite object can avoid the unnecessary problems in the results valuation. This article also submits the following suggestions on project execution method: 1. To adopt management by object: When the management by object is adopted. The functional chief supervises his subordinates to complete the preset project and project leader is focused on completed quality, schedule and required budget of object in the project execution period. As such the conflict occurrence can be reduced. Besides project leader doesn’t have to spend too much time on internal management; however the leader can generate more close interactivity with customers that is surely beneficial to achieve the object and performance. 2. Effective Project Information System: The effective project information system can provide the written data to realize the project progress, assure project quality, increase the project realization of project members as well as compile and provide the effective historical data. 3. To Build up Project Team: If project members can work together under project object and develop a project team culture with more awareness and less conflict, this surely facilitates the smooth implementation of project. As a result the project leader does not have to be formally authorized his commanding power from organization, still he is able to inspire its members to proactively work hard in attaining the object.


4. 司徒達賢(2001):
5. 林兆明(2002):
