  • 學位論文


The Creative Research of the Visual Design for the Coffee Shop Brand

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


自16、17世紀以來,咖啡在歐洲興起後,一直都是受歡迎的飲品,而台灣也在受到連鎖咖啡店進駐後的影響之下,咖啡的飲用已經是普遍人手一杯。咖啡品牌的建立在獨特性而言,除了連鎖店在經營品牌與行銷策略的運用與講究之外,普通一般林立在巷弄街道間打著自有咖啡品牌獨立經營者,在資料蒐集後發現,品牌形象較無一致性,甚至出現抄襲知名連鎖業者商標,這在品牌識別中,其設計給消費者第一印象非但無法令人深刻印象,在品牌形象亦是無益。 有鑑於此,本研究將用品牌視覺設計的層面,創作全新咖啡品牌。本創作將以文獻分析了解全球及國內的咖啡產業概況,透過品牌、標誌、商標與行銷的文獻探討,找出合適的成功案例,並針對其品牌的背景、市場定位、行銷策略、視覺設計及應用系統等分析研究,進而協助本研究創作之設計。 如統一企業旗下的City Cafe聯名設計、攝影師推出設計款紙杯,普遍台灣的企業主,鮮少注重設計美學結合行銷品牌,使其發揮最大效益。而透過案例的分析從中了解,一個成功的品牌是如何建立識別系統,讓品牌印象快速進入消費者記憶,此必須透過分析與研究。 本創作研究結果,祈希其識別系統的創作能連結與現以消費者導向的年代,透過視覺設計建立一全新咖啡品牌。


Since the 16th and 17th century, coffee has been a popular drink when it was risen in Europe, and Taiwan is also under the affection after the coffee chains entering into the market. While now it is already widespread that everyone gets a cup of coffee in hand. The building of the coffee brand lies on the unique. Except the chain stores have their utility and delicacy on the running the brands and marketing strategies, for the independent owner who has its own coffee brand which is generally located among all the alleys, after they collect the data and find out that the brand images do not have the consistency and even it appears to copy the trademark of the famous chain stores. In the brand identity, its design cannot be impressed by the consumer for the first impression and it is not beneficial for the brand images. In view of this, this research will use the aspect of the brand visual design to create the brand new coffee brand. This creation will use the analysis of the documents to understand the overview of the global and domestic coffee industry. Through the documents discussion of the brands, marks, trademarks and marketing, we find out the suitable successful cases and analyze and research according to its brand background, market positioning, marketing strategy, visual design and application system. Furthermore it assists the design of this research creation. Like the joint design of the City Café under the Uni-President enterprise, the photographers release the designed paper cups. For general enterprises’ owners, few of them emphasize the combination between design aesthetics and brand marketing which can maximize the benefits. Through the case analysis to understand how does one successful brand build up the identity system and let the brand impression fast enter into consumers’ memories. It must be through analysis and research. The result of this research is to hope that the creation of its identity system can connect with the era which is consumer-oriented and through the visual design can build up the whole new coffee brand.


Brand vision Coffee brand Trademark design


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