  • 學位論文

影響證券業成功轉型為數位金融之因素探討- FAHP的研究途徑

The Factors affect Security Industry Successfully Transform into Digital Finance - FAHP Approach

指導教授 : 劉立倫


隨著網路技術的進步,行動通訊、社群媒體、大數據資料等數位科技的發展,證券業的交易習慣跟著改變。證券業從人工交易逐漸轉為電子交易,同時面對實體通路整併、從業人員老化,數位人才不足、組織流程調整等現況,如何成功轉型為數位金融成為一個非常重要的挑戰。 本研究探討證券業成功轉型數位金融的關鍵因素,透過文獻回顧歸納七大構面,包含產業政策與環境、高階主管態度、與公司策略契合程度、妥適的推動機制、資訊軟硬體支援程度、員工素質與認同、整合行銷服務,以模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process,FAHP)與專家問卷評估七大構面與22個因素,藉此提供證券業成功轉型之參考。 研究結果如下: 一、 七大構面的權重值分布優先順序為:高階主管態度(31%)、產業政策與環境(16.9%)、與公司策略契合程度(15.6%)、妥適的推動機制(11.6%)、資訊軟體支援程度(10.4%)、員工素質與認同(10.3%)及整合行銷服務(4.2%)。 二、 22因素依權重優先排序,前10項之累計權重即超過全部之70%,分別為高階主管投入資源重視金融科技的程度(13.66%)、高階主管瞭解數位金融的程度(11.06%)、轉型數位金融與企業策略的契合程度(8.48%)、金融業務開放程度(7.18%)、政府法規鬆綁程度(6.94%)、高階主管重視金融科技的程度(6.31%)、員工認同轉型數位金融的程度(5.25%)、硬體設備支援數位金融之程度(4.93%)、專責機構的人員與資源足夠程度(4.13%)、設定轉型推動之專責機構(4.09%)。


With the advancement of internet technologies, such as mobile communications, social media and big data, the trading habits of the securities industry have been changed. From the manual transaction to the internet transaction, in the meantime, faced with such problems as the consolidation of branches, the aging of employees, the shortage of digital talents and the adjustment of organizational, how to successfully transform into digital financial company has become a very important challenge. This study examines the key factors behind the successful transformation of digital securities. Through the review of the literature, the study summarizes 7 attributes, including the industrial policy and environment, the attitude of senior management, the corporate strategy fit, the proper promotion mechanism, the support of hardware and software, staff quality and recognition, the integrated marketing services. Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and expert questionnaires assess 7 attributes and 22 criteria, to provide a reference for the successful transformation of the securities industry. The results are as follows: 1.The order of weights of the 7 attributes is as follows: attitude of senior management (31%), industrial policy and environment (16.9%), corporate strategy fit (15.6%), proper promotion mechanism (11.6%), the support of hardware and software (10.4%) (10.4%), staff quality and recognition (10.3%) and integrated marketing services (4.2%). 2. 22 criteria are prioritized according to their weights. The cumulative weights of the top 10 items exceed 70% of the total. They are: the senior executives spend more on financial science and technology (13.66%); the senior executives know about digital finance (11.06%), The fit between transitional digital finance and corporate strategy (8.48%), opening up of financial services (7.18%), easing government regulations (6.94%), the attention of high management for financial technology (6.31%), and employees' recognition of the transition to digital finance (5.25%), the level of digital financial support for hardware (4.93%), the adequacy of personnel and resources of the dedicated agency (4.13%) and the establishment of a dedicated agency for transformational promotion (4.09%).


Digital finance Security Industry FAHP


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