  • 學位論文


Kinect-based effectiveness of bath training and movement assessment on exercise game

指導教授 : 張耀仁


本研究欲利用微軟開發的Kinect體感科技,搭配骨架追蹤技術,研發一套適用於認知功能嚴重缺損之學童的洗澡訓練系統,透過體感遊戲使其在浴室以外之場所做洗澡訓練,經過與特教場域的合作,本研究將體感遊戲設計成真實洗澡之情境與流程,並模擬實際洗澡之動作和動畫遊戲結合來達到訓練的效果。 由於認知功能嚴重缺損之學童在認知能力及學習能力之發展上有嚴重的落後,因此其在生活自理上需要部份協助以及重複訓練。若以洗澡訓練來說,要在學校進行教學需有實際之場所較為恰當,例如模擬浴室等,而一般公立國小特教班往往都會面臨到因經費不足導致沒有場所可以練習的問題,因此本研究以洗澡訓練為主軸,利用體感遊戲模擬真實洗澡情境來進行訓練,此訓練方法能解決場所問題、經費上的困難、特教老師教學上的負擔,且最重要是能引起學童學習之動機。 透過與桃園市某國小特教班的合作,本研究邀請六位認知功能嚴重缺損之學童實際參與個案研究,目的在於了解本系統是否能提升學童在洗澡流程與動作上的完整性。


In this study, we use Kinect technology with a skeleton tracking technology to create a bath training system for students with cognitive impairments. Through exercise game, we can practice this training without using the bathroom. After discussing, we design the simulated bathroom and simulates the actual bath movement combining with animated games to achieve the effect. Students with cognitive impairments usually lack the cognitive and learning ability. They need repetitive training and partial assistance on daily living. This system is able to solve workplace(setting) problems, difficulties found on teachers teaching load, and the most important thing is to increase the motivation for learning. After the system completes, we invite six students to test our system. We want to know whether this system can improve their bathing skill effectiveness.


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