  • 學位論文


Multiple Denominations in E-cash with Transferability

指導教授 : 楊明豪 羅嘉寧


近年來電子商務發展相當迅速,各種線上交易及數位服務販售已相當普及,然而在現有的交易系統中如ATM、信用卡、Paypal、儲值預付系統等,對於使用者所能提供的隱私保障已然不足以應付現有的需求。由於在使用上述提到之交易系統時,由於使用者資訊可輕易與消費資訊相互關聯,無法避免消費者的消費習慣及興趣傾向被商家或者有心人士分析及取用,因此電子現金成了未來電子商務的一個重要標地。在電子現金的系統下,由於盲簽章本身所提供的匿名特性,每筆電子現金與使用者之間無法做相互關聯,任何持有者在使用電子現金時如同使用實體鈔票一般,在進行交易過後無法從中找到任何與使用者相關聯的資訊。然而匿名的特性卻又使得電子現金的犯罪行為難以追蹤,隨後又有了可撤銷匿名的電子現金系統被提出。至今為止,為了使電子現金交易系統更能在各式各樣的場合應用,如離線交易、可轉移性、可分割式電子現金等也成為了後續研究的目標。 在本篇論文中,我們提出一個可找零電子現金機制。利用多面額的電子現金在離線交易時將小面額的電子進金作為找零使用,進而達到在各種商品價格下都可輕鬆進行交易的目的,也同時減少使用者所需儲存的電子現金數量。


In recent year, electronic commerce is widely used in our life. However, in current solution like ATM, credit card, Paypal, Pre-paid card cannot protect user’s privacy, like shopping hobby and user information. When we use the method of the above mentioned, our consumption habits can easily be analysis by system provider or merchant. Therefore, e-cash system provided anonymity become the important subject in electronic commerce. In e-cash system, since blind signature provided anonymity, every single e-cash cannot linked with each other. And also, user can use e-cash just like physical cash that no one can find any information to linked user to a e-cash. But fully anonymity also makes malicious behavior can’t be traced, so later anonymity revocable e-cash scheme have proposed.So far, in order to make e-cash can used in lots of environment and Applications, such as off-line transactions, transferability, divisibility has also become a target for further research. In this paper, we propose Multiple Denominations in E-cash with Transferability. Using multi-denomination e-cash in offline transactions will be in small denominations into a change for the use, thus achieve the purpose in a variety of commodity prices can be easily traded, while also reducing the amount of cash required for the storage of electronic user.


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