  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of the Learning Behavior during e-Tutoring in a Foster Home

指導教授 : 簡志峰


在這個社會裡,目前還是有很多兒童因為家庭一些狀況特殊像是父母雙亡、受虐、單親無力教養等問題無法在自己的原生家庭生活,必須透過社會福利單位安置在一些機構或育幼院,現階段教育部於105至108年規劃「偏鄉數位應用推動計畫」裡其中一項「數位學伴」計畫,育幼院孩童是其中少數服務對象之一,而目前有關育幼院孩童學習方面的研究不多,少數如Chien等人(2018)有提出之外,很少有關學習歷程的研究,所以本研究利用序列分析法藉此瞭解線上課輔對育幼院孩童學習行為之歷程、比較育幼院孩童線上課輔的行為與傳統一對一面授的行為的差異性及探討線上課輔對育幼院孩童線上學習執行時的問題。 本研究針對育幼院孩童進行線上課輔學習時的影片,依據Chen等人(2005)研究中的線上同步學習行為模式將線上課輔的學習行為做編碼,再利用Bakeman與Gottman(1997)的序列分析法做分析,從中瞭解育幼院孩童線上課輔學習的歷程,再與Person與Magliano(1995)研究中所提出的實體面對面及一對一家教輔導教學時的行為模式做比較,探討其中的差異性,最後再以序列分析出來的結果結合影片內容提出教學者在與育幼院孩童進行線上課輔時所遇到的問題。 研究結果發現,在線上課輔育幼院孩童的學習行為中,學生「在線同步學習」與學生與教師「問與答的交換」後,學生會容易做與課程無關的事,但也發現教師如果順勢操作孩童的興趣,比較能讓學生回到課程中繼續上課。而在線上課輔與一對一面授之間的差異性上,一對一面授較能掌握學生當下上課的情形,但線上課輔的回顧及複習功能比一對一面授好。不過在線上課輔的教學過程中,學生分心有34.7%是因為網路平台斷線的問題,這部分還需進一步做系統上的檢查,而網路平台也需要有監控畫面的功能,讓孩童在課程裡不易另外開視窗做與課程無關的事。而在線上課輔的過程中,由於育幼院孩童容易出現情緒不穩的狀況,所以教師在課程內容方面得依孩童的興趣去做設計,也可以回歸教育部(2017b)「偏鄉數位應用推動計畫-數位學伴計畫」的核心價值進行線上課輔。


The Ministry of Education of the Republic of China administered “E-tutoring Project” since 2005 for college students to tutor children through Internet in rural areas. Few children in a couple of foster homes joined to the project as tutees since 2016. Chien, Liao, and Walters (2018) pointed out that there is currently rare research relating to learning processes of the children in foster homes. The purpose of this research is to investigate children’s online learning behavior model in a foster home by applying Bakeman (1986) sequential analysis. The researcher compared and discussed the differences between Person and Magliano's (1995) face-to-face tutoring behavior patterns and online synchronous tutoring behavior patterns. The results revealed that when children were taking online synchronized courses, they often distracted after tutors answering their inquiries or disconnected Internet. However, it was also found that tutors could retrieve their focuses according to children’s interests. While comparing the differences between e-tutoring and face-to-face tutoring, the students who took face-to-face courses can be easily observed, but the other hand, the students who took e-tutoring courses have an opportunity for lesson review. However, in the course of e-tutoring, 34.7% of students were distracted because of the problem of disconnection of the Internet platform, which needs to take further system improvement. The e-tutoring platform also needs to set up the function of screen monitor, so it will reduce the possibility of the students’ distraction in class and the opportunity to open another link page. In the process of e-tutoring, children in foster homes tend to be emotional instability. It is suggested that online tutors should make a lesson plan according to children's interests and curriculum content, it also corresponds with the core value of the program of the Ministry of Education (2017b) which is named “DOC - Digital Learning Partner Program”


e-Tutoring Foster home Sequential analysis


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