  • 學位論文


Investigation of Parent Satisfaction with Quality of Educational Services Provided for Students with Disabilities in Junior and Senior High Schools

指導教授 : 趙本強


中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國高中職特殊教育學生家長對學校服務品質滿意度調查研究,並以普通學校為參照。採問卷調查法,以分層立意取樣選取全台灣特殊教育學校之家長為研究對象,其家長條件符合同時擁有就讀國高中職階段之普通學校子女及特殊教育學校子女,共發出295份問卷,回收219份,有效問卷177份。 以自編之「國高中職階段學生家長對普通學校及特殊教育學校之服務品質滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定及成對樣本t檢定等進行統計分析。茲將研究結果歸納如下: 一、 家長對特殊教育學校服務品質整體滿意度,總量表平均得分為3.49,最高分為4分,滿意度介於「滿意」到「非常滿意」之間。 二、 家長對普通學校服務品質整體滿意度,總量表平均得分為2.92,最高分為 4分,滿意度介於「不滿意」到「滿意」之間。 三、家長對特殊教育學校整體服務品質滿意度顯著高於普通學校。 四、不同身份、性別、居住地及子女性別不同之家長對特殊教育學校服務品質滿 意情形上有達顯著差異。 1.母親在特殊教育學校「親師溝通面」上之服務品質滿意度顯著高於父親。 2.女性在特殊教育學校「親師溝通面」上之服務品質滿意度顯著高於男性。 3.中部地區之家長對特殊教育學校「親師溝通面」及「教師特質面」上之服 務品質滿意度顯著高於北部地區之家長 4.家長對於家中男生就讀普通學校在特殊教育學校「親師溝通面」、「行政 服務面」、「校園規劃面」及「全量表」上之服務品質滿意度顯著高於女生 就讀普通學校。 最後依據上述研究結果提出建議,以提供相關教育行政單位與未來研究參考。 關鍵字:服務品質、滿意度、特殊教育學校


Investigation of Parent Satisfaction with Quality of Educational Services Provided for Students with Disabilities in Junior and Senior High Schools Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigation parent satisfaction with the quality of educational services provided for students with disabilities in junior and senior high schools. A survey research method was conducted in this study. Participants were parents who have at least two children, one of whom is a normally developing child and the other is a child with a specific type of disability. The stratified sampling method was used to recruit parents of students with disabilities from special education schools nationwide in Taiwan. A total of 295 surveys were mailed out and 219 were returned, with 177 effective surveys. The Questionnaire of Parent Satisfaction with Quality of Educational Services Provided for Students with and without Disabilities was developed in this study and used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and one-was analyses of variances (ANOVAs). Findings showed that: 1. Parents satisfaction with the quality of special education schools service, with an average total score of 3.49 and a maximum of 4 points. Satisfaction is between "satisfied" and "very satisfied". 2. Parent satisfaction with the quality of ordinary schools service, with an average total score of 2.92 and a maximum of 4 points. Satisfaction is between “dissatisfied” and “satisfied”. 3. Parent satisfaction with the overall quality of special education schools service is significantly higher than regular schools. 4. Different identity, gender, area and gender of children by parents in overall special education service reached significant differences. (1) Mother’s satisfaction in " parent-teacher communication" of special education schools is significantly higher than fathers’. (2) Satisfaction of Women in " parent-teacher communication" of special education schools is significantly higher than Men. (3) Satisfaction of parents from the central area of Taiwan in the “parent-teacher communication” and “teacher trait” of special education schools significantly higher than those who are from the North. (4) Satisfaction of parents of boys studying in regular schools in the “parent-teacher communication,” “administrative services,” “campus planning,” and “full scale.” of special education schools is significantly higher than parents who have girls studying in regular schools. Finally, according to the above results, several suggestions were offered for the education administrators and researchers. Keywords: service quality; satisfication; special education schools


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一、 中文部分
