  • 學位論文


A Study on the Genius Loci of Pátio do Espinho in Macau

指導教授 : 黃承令


2002年,澳門政府向三家公司發出博彩經營牌照,引入外資,經濟由衰轉盛,隨之,博彩酒店在這座老城中拔地而起,形成澳門新的天際線。2005年,澳門的歷史城區獲得世界文化遺產的名涵,但其更被世人所熟知的是依舊是賭場。澳門的歷史文化長期被人忽視,而主流歷史之書寫,缺乏常民文化的研究,故本研究期望能夠以澳門茨林圍聚落作為相關議題之觸媒。 茨林圍位於聖保祿學院遺址內。十六世紀中期,葡萄牙人為貿易而在澳門定居,並建立了以教堂為主軸的天主教城市。其中,聖保祿學院是當時最重要的城市精神象徵,坐落在半島的地理中心與城市制高點上。1835年,學院發生大火,此片建築群逐漸瓦解,當時的菜園逐漸有華人遷入,形成茨林圍聚落。 聚落沿著聖保祿學院圍牆發展,在強烈的包被內形塑了其特殊的自明性,圍內住宅各不相同,呈現了居民在不同時期的需求與喜好,從不同地區遷入圍內的居民在此和諧共處,並建立了屬於華人的哪吒信仰。隨著澳門經濟發展,居住需求增加,地少人多的結果是房地產商對空間的壓縮,將低矮的房屋匯集成高層住宅,讓大部分澳門的住宅趨向同質化。茨林圍在都市更新中僥倖保留了過去的常民生活紋理,故探討茨林圍聚落的場所精神對於研究澳門的常民文化具有其代表性。 目前,茨林圍與聖保祿教堂前壁、三巴哪吒廟毗鄰,前者是連每日經過之市民都不甚瞭解的社區,後者是遊客絡繹不絕的城市地標,濃縮了澳門中西文化交融之意涵。聚落如何在人流密集的景區邊緣隱匿,圍內居民生活如何? 本研究嘗試從澳門半島的整體範圍探討,進入對聖保祿學院的研究,隨後聚焦在茨林圍聚落中,並對上述空間的形成與發展脈絡進行梳理,從更廣泛的時間與空間範疇對聚落進行分析。以場所精神理論作為探討茨林圍居民生活場域之核心,從直觀體驗出發,對聚落進行描述,剖析其中的空間結構與特性,呈現聚落中之居民生活與環境的關係,提出茨林圍的文化資產價值,期望通過對茨林圍聚落場所精神的研究,彰顯澳門的地方特色與文化意涵。


茨林圍 聖保祿學院 澳門 場所精神 聚落


In 2002 Macau government signed contracts with 3 bidding concession winner to construct casino. The idea of casino attracts foreign to invest in Macau, which brought positive impact and prosperity for Macau economic. After words,casino hotels rise up in the old city and forming a new skyline. Even though the Historic Centre of Macao granted as UNESCO world heritage in 2005, casino still outshine this achievement. The history and culture of Macau have been neglected as a result, and the writings of mainstream history lack any research on its folk culture. Thus, this study presents and analyzes Pátio do Espinho Settlement. Pátio do Espinho is located in the remains of Colégio de São Paulo. In the middle of the 16th century, the Portuguese settled in Macau for trading purposes and constructed the Catholic city upon its churches. Among others, Colégio de São Paulo was the most important symbol of urban spirit at the time, being located in the city’s geographic center and having an urban commanding height on the peninsula. In 1835, Colégio de São Paulo caught fire and the surrounding buildings were successively destroyed. The Chinese at the time gradually migrated into the vegetable farms, which resulted in Pátio do Espinho Settlement. The settlement developed along the wall of Colégio de São Paulo, and its enclosed environment led to some unique characteristics. The residences in the settlement varied and displayed residents’ needs and preferences over different periods. The immigrants from different regions were harmonious in the settlement and established the Chinese Nezha religion. With the burgeoning economic development of Macau, residential demand increased, but due to a growing population under fixed terrain, real estate companies compressed the space, and low houses were turned into tall buildings. Thus, most residences in Macau became homogeneous. Fortunately, with urban renewal, the past folk lives have been preserved in Pátio do Espinho, and thus Genius Loci of Pátio do Espinho Settlement can be representative of the folk culture of Macau in the research context. Pátio do Espinho is presently next to the front wall of Catedral de São Paulo and Nezha Temple of São Paulo. The former is a community that is even unfamiliar to citizens who pass by it every day, while the latter is an urban landmark with constant tourists. It combines Chinese and western cultures in Macau. How does the settlement hide itself from the crowded tourist site, and what are the residents’ lives like in the settlement? This study explores the overall scope of the Macau peninsula, covering Colégio de São Paulo to Pátio do Espinho Settlement. It reorganizes the formation and development of the previous space and analyzes the settlement through more time and space. Based on the Genius Loci theory, it probes into the core of residents’ living place of Pátio do Espinho, describes the settlement through the intuitive experience, analyzes the structure and character of the space, presents the relationship between the residents’ lives and the environment in the settlement, and proposes the cultural asset value of Pátio do Espinho in order to highlight the local characteristics and their cultural implications for Macau.


